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Book: Destiny by Jason A. Cheek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason A. Cheek
forever. Most smugglers didn’t stay in the racket long due to the nature of the cut throat business, but he and his boys weren’t in it for the money so much as for the adrenaline rush. Through it all, his crew had become one tight-knit family.
    The end of their run came unexpectedly in the busy South African Port of Durban. One moment, they were tearing up the Maydon Wharf and the next they were being dragged into the local lockup under heavy guard by SARS Customs Officers. Oddly enough they hadn’t even been running contraband at the time.
    Sean had realized his mistake almost immediately. The last time they were in port he had refused a shipment of human cargo at the demands of the International Chinese Mafia that “taxed” all smuggling operations passing through their port. He and his crew were facing twenty years to life and the loss of everything they owned. If it hadn’t been for Larissa Evans timely arrival on that fateful day they might not have ever seen the light of day again.
    Thinking of the past always brought a smile to Sean’s lips. While some things had dramatically changed over the years, others had stubbornly stayed the same. On the one hand, although they weren’t technically smugglers they still found themselves in some very unique situations as they assisted Larissa on her many archeological digs around the world. On the other hand, even after all of these years, the Clan still took care of their own. Hiring the lad had turned out to be a good decision. Over the last eight months, the hard working youth had earned his place amongst Triumph’s crew and was well on his way to becoming a Ukkodian.
    “Sir, what should I say if he asks why, Sir?”
    Pushing away from the boat's railing, Sean cracked his bony knuckles as he looked down at the cadet with a fierce grin. “Tell him it looks like Johannesburg all over again.”
    The young man’s eyes slightly widened as he took a long look at the approaching boat full of men. Even now the crew still talked about the Malapa dig, and that was over ten years ago.
    “Sir, yes, Sir!”
    Before the cadet could turn around, Sean stopped the young man with one large hand. “Once you’ve talked to the Chief, find Doctor Evans. Let her know we have company coming.”
    “Yes, Sir!”
    This time, when Sean let go of the excited cadet, he took off like a bolt of lightning. With his shoes ringing on the metal stairs, Mr. MacSweeney took the steps two at a time heading down into the bowels of the ship. Keeping an eye on the police boat docking next to them, Sean picked up the weather deck’s voice powered phone. Punching in a two digit code, he held the receiver to his ear waiting. On the second ring, a strong baritone answered.
    “Bridge here.”
    Hearing his First Officer’s voice, Sean spoke quickly into the phone. “Mr. Dudek, we have trouble heading our way.”
    “Where at Captain?”
    “Directly starboard, approaching the docks.”
    Sean heard a rustling of cloth as Adam adjusted his position. A second later the tall man’s crisp English was suddenly laden with a heavy Polish accent.
    “How do you want to handle this Kaptain?”
    Thinking quickly, Sean laid out the plan forming in his head. “I want you and Mr. Crosslander to pull the AK-47’s from the armory for the non-Ukkodians, but I want them kept out of sight. We’ll only pull them out if we need to get their attention. I’d rather keep the Islanders on their toes for the wrong reasons for as long as possible.”
    “Yes, Kaptain.”
    “Mr. MacSweeney should have found the Chief by now. I expect he’ll be heading up with his lads anytime now.”
    “Give us five minutes to get into position, Kaptain.”
    Eyeing the approaching boat once more, Sean spoke sharply into the handset. “You’d better get moving then Mr. Dudek.”
    “Aye aye, Sir!”
    Swing by his cabin, Sean grabbed his charging two-way radio and a pair of brass knuckles before making his way to the Triumph’s gangplank.

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