VLADIMIR: Wherever you like.
ESTRAGON: I’ve always wanted to wander in the Pyrenees.
VLADIMIR: You’ll wander in them.
ESTRAGON: [ Recoiling. ]Who farted?
POZZO: Here! Here! Pity!
ESTRAGON: It’s revolting!
VLADIMIR: Quick! Give me your hand.
ESTRAGON: I’m going. [ Pause. Louder. ]I’m going.
VLADIMIR: Well I suppose in the end I’ll get up by myself. [ He tries, fails. ]In the fullness of time.
ESTRAGON: What’s the matter with you?
VLADIMIR: Go to hell.
ESTRAGON: Are you staying there?
VLADIMIR: For the time being.
ESTRAGON: Come on, get up, you’ll catch a chill.
VLADIMIR: Don’t worry about me.
ESTRAGON: Come on, Didi, don’t be pig-headed.
[ He stretches out his hand which VLADIMIR makes haste to seize. ]
[ ESTRAGON pulls, stumbles, falls. Long silence. ]
POZZO: Help!
VLADIMIR: We’ve arrived.
POZZO: Who are you?
VLADIMIR: We are men.
[ Silence. ]
ESTRAGON: Sweet mother earth!
VLADIMIR: Can you get up?
ESTRAGON: I don’t know.
ESTRAGON: Not now, not now.
[ Silence. ]
POZZO: What happened?
VLADIMIR: [ Violently. ]Will you stop it, you! Pest! He thinks of nothing but himself!
ESTRAGON: What about a little snooze?
VLADIMIR: Did you hear him? He wants to know what happened!
ESTRAGON: Don’t mind him. Sleep.
[ Silence. ]
POZZO: Pity! Pity!
ESTRAGON: [ With a start. ]What is it?
VLADIMIR: Were you asleep?
ESTRAGON: I must have been.
VLADIMIR: It’s this bastard Pozzo at it again.
ESTRAGON: Make him stop it. Kick him in the crotch.
VLADIMIR: [ Striking POZZO .] Will you stop it! Crablouse! [ POZZO extricates himself with cries of pain and crawls away. He stops, saws the air blindly, calling for help. VLADIMIR , propped on his elbow, observes his retreat. ] He’s off! [ POZZO collapses. ] He’s down!
ESTRAGON: What do we do now?
VLADIMIR: Perhaps I could crawl to him.
ESTRAGON: Don’t leave me!
VLADIMIR: Or I could call to him.
ESTRAGON: Yes, call to him.
VLADIMIR: Pozzo! [ Silence .] Pozzo! [ Silence. ] No reply.
ESTRAGON: Together.
VLADIMIR: He moved.
ESTRAGON: Are you sure his name is Pozzo?
VLADIMIR: [ Alarmed. ]Mr Pozzo! Come back! We won’t hurt you!
[ Silence. ]
ESTRAGON: We might try him with other names.
VLADIMIR: I’m afraid he’s dying.
ESTRAGON: It’d be amusing.
VLADIMIR: What’d be amusing?
ESTRAGON: To try with other names, one after the other. It’d pass the time. And we’d be bound
to hit on the right one sooner or later.
VLADIMIR: I tell you his name is Pozzo.
ESTRAGON: We’ll soon see. [ He reflects. ]Abel! Abel!
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: Got it in one!
VLADIMIR: I begin to weary of this motif.
ESTRAGON: Perhaps the other is called Cain. Cain! Cain!
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: He’s all humanity. [ Silence. ]Look at the little cloud.
VLADIMIR: [ Raising his eyes. ]Where?
ESTRAGON: There. In the zenith.
VLADIMIR: Well? [ Pause. ]What is there so wonderful about it?
[ Silence. ]
ESTRAGON: Let’s pass on now to something else, do you mind?
VLADIMIR: I was just going to suggest it.
ESTRAGON: But to what?
[ Silence. ]
ESTRAGON: Suppose we got up to begin with.
VLADIMIR: No harm in trying.
[ They get up. ]
ESTRAGON: Child’s play.
VLADIMIR: Simple question of will-power.
ESTRAGON: And now?
POZZO: Help!
ESTRAGON: Let’s go.
VLADIMIR: We can’t.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
VLADIMIR: We’re waiting for Godot.
ESTRAGON: Ah! [ Despairing. ]What’ll we do, what’ll we do!
POZZO: Help!
VLADIMIR: What about helping him?
ESTRAGON: What does he want?
VLADIMIR: He wants to get up.
ESTRAGON: Then why doesn’t he?
VLADIMIR: He wants us to help him to get up.
ESTRAGON: Then why don’t we? What are we waiting for? [ They help POZZO to his feet, let him go. He falls .]
VLADIMIR: We must hold him. [ They get him up again. POZZO sags between them, his arms round their necks .] Feeling better?
POZZO: Who are you?
VLADIMIR: Do you not