Zombie Anthology

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Book: Zombie Anthology by Anthology Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthology
Tags: Horror, Short Stories, +IPAD, +UNCHECKED
know,” Ian walked past Jeremy into the armory proper. “Would you care for some music? I find Wagner particularly relaxing in times like these."
         "Ian, how did you know so quickly about the Freedom I mean?"
         The former C.I.A. agent took a seat in a set up folding chair between the racks weapons that lined the walls of the vault like room. “Their shielding,” Ian picked up a cold cup of tea sitting beside the chair and sipped at it. “There was a project like what they described but it never got off the ground. The energy expenditure to generate the kind of field they mentioned was impossible. The project was scarped because of it."
         Jeremy took a seat on the floor in front of Ian. “Why do you stay down here so much?"
         Ian laughed. “I'm not immune to the radiation like the rest of you seem to be, Jeremy."
         Jeremy's mouth dropped open.
         "This is the most shielded part of the complex. I choose to stay here because I value my life. Even so, I am finding it harder each day to resist the urges rising inside of me. Very soon I think you may find yourself in a position where my disposal will become vital to your own survival.” Ian noticed Jeremy shift uncomfortably. “I assure you, you will have to do it. None of the others, not even our good doctor, even suspect that I am not well."
         Ian paused and sat down his tea. “I don't have any magical answers about who the people claiming to be onboard the Freedom II might be. I'm not God, Jeremy. But whether they are looters, survivors like us, or reasoning versions of the creatures outside, they will be coming. Will they bring death or hope? I don't know. Personally, I believe hope died the second the wave touched our world."
         "Will you help us get ready for them?” Jeremy asked.
         "There's nothing I can do Jeremy. I'm certainly not about to go up top again and I don't think can really ask that of me. Geoff is the military expert. He can handle it."
         "And that's it? That's all you have to offer?” Jeremy shook his head. “Don't you care about anyone?"
         "Yes,” Ian answered, “I care about me and either way, I am dying."
         Ian dismissed Jeremy with a curt “Good day” and picked up a book he had been reading opening a chapter marked with piece of ribbon. Jeremy didn't argue. He got to his feet and went in search of Geoff. Something had to be done and it looked like it was up to them to do it. His life and the world he knew had been taken from him once; he wasn't going to give up this place too without a fight.
         "It can't be done,” Geoff slurred dropping the empty jug to the garage's floor. “This base was never designed to be a defensible position out here. It's a damn bomb shelter kid, a really high tech one, but still just a shelter."
         Jeremy grabbed Geoff by the front his uniform and tried to yank him to his feet. As drunk as Geoff was he still easily shifted Jeremy's arm folding it painfully behind the younger man's back as he stood up. “Kid, it's all open space and fields up here. The fence is the only real obstacle to anyone who wants onto the grounds. If these things show up with the wielding torches to burn through the outer seal in the shed once they're inside the perimeter then maybe they deserve to have us for dinner.” Geoff released his hold on Jeremy and staggered out into the sunlight. “Jesus, kid, I just roasted a mob of people alive to save your ass. What more do you want from me?"
         "Where are Troy and Wade? Maybe they'll listen to reason."
         "Reason!” Geoff spun around to face Jeremy. “There ain't no reason left anymore kid. Just death, death and the dying."
         Jeremy drew the.45 from the holster on his belt and levelled it at Geoff. “Do you want to die so badly Geoff,” he shook the gun, “I can make it happen, right here, right now."
         Geoff's eyes narrowed. “Okay,” he nodded,

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