The Heart of Fire

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Book: The Heart of Fire by Michael J. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael J. Ward
Tags: Fantasy
moved on pretty swift.’
Will you:
Ask the vagrant to share his story? — 127
Return to the town? — 199
    Anna lets out a sigh. ‘Jolando was hired to steal a relic from the church vault. It should have been an easy enough task for someone with his skill. But when he arrived
at the vault, someone else was already there . . .’ The healer pauses, scratching her chin thoughtfully. Clearly she is still trying to make sense of the thief’s words. ‘He said
it was a dwarf.’
    Your eyes widen with surprise. ‘I thought they were wiped out long ago, that they destroyed each other in their constant wars and bickering.’
    ‘Well, not quite,’ replies Anna. ‘But none have been seen in Fenstone Moors for hundreds of years.’
    ‘So, what happened?’
    Anna removes her glasses, rubbing at her tired eyes. ‘There was a struggle. Jolando tried to stop the dwarf from taking the relic. The noise drew the attention of the bishop, who
discovered them both there inside the vault. Then the dwarf produced a staff – a charm – and broke it in two, releasing its magic. Both the bishop and the thief were struck by a curse.
The dwarf escaped unharmed.’
    ‘What do you know of this relic?’ you ask, absorbed by the story. ‘What does it do?’
    ‘I don’t know.’ Anna shrugs her shoulders. ‘Some inquisitors found it in a set of ruins to the south. They thought they were protecting it by bringing to Carvel –
no doubt to take it apart and study. But the Wiccans believe it might be something powerful. A weapon that could help them win their war.’ Anna drops her gaze. ‘I should not have got
involved in this. It’s all getting too dangerous.’
Will you:
Ask about what is in the casket? — 26
Ask about the statue above the door? — 98
Thank Anna and leave? — Return to the map
    You descend the stairs, worried that the creaking from the wooden boards will alert others to your presence. However, the persistent banging coming from the zombies outside has
probably masked much of the noise. The front door gives a shudder as something heavy slams against it. You doubt it will hold for much longer.
    Turning to the side door, you see that it is slightly ajar. Flickering shadows dance in the space beyond, cast by a lantern or a fire. Steeling yourself for what you might find, you push open
the door, wincing as it gives a grating squeal. Turn to 347 .
    The trader rubs his hands together excitedly. ‘So, yer got any of dem bones for me today?’ If you have
goblin bones
, you can trade these in for 10 gold
crowns each. If you have
troll bones
, you can hand these over for 20 gold crowns. If you have
giant bones
, the trader will give you 30 gold crowns. Remember to cross these items off
your hero sheet once they have been traded in.
    You may now view the charm-maker’s wares (turn to 59 ) or continue exploring the lower town (turn to 36 ).
    You notice that Benin does not have a pack with him, only the clothes on his back and a plain-wood staff. From his belt hang a number of pouches and gourds.
    ‘I assume you’re not here just for the sight-seeing?’ you ask, looking around at the bleak landscape. ‘Are you collecting herbs?’
    Benin pretends to be brushing dirt from his robes, but you can tell he is deliberating over his answer. He finally gives a sigh. ‘I’m on an errand for the church. You could say I got
the short straw; I used to play in these hills as a child so I know them well.’
    He avoids your questioning stare, squinting back towards the mountains, which rise like dark thorns against the rising sun. ‘I don’t have much time. Others are depending on
Will you:
Ask Benin about his magic? — 80
Examine the remains of the creatures? — 133
Continue on your journey? — 157
    Ahead of you, Eldias has already reached the stone well. The witchfinder has swapped his pistols for a pair of magical swords, which he spins in a rapid whirlwind of steel,

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