Encore (The Black Eagles Series Book 2)

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Book: Encore (The Black Eagles Series Book 2) by Kat Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Green
of their support act, Shadowed Faces, that bothered her. What if she got hurt and it made things awkward on the road. There was something about Nathan that made Cassie uneasy, and she knew things were not going to end well. The problem was that Allie was happy and really liked him. She could see Nathan liked Allie but he also looked at Jo-Jo in a way Cassie didn’t like, and she seemed to have been the only one who had noticed it. She didn’t want any drama. There had been enough of that lately, and she wasn’t available for any more. She also didn’t want to have to kick someone’s ass, but she would if there was a need. The tour was barely two weeks old and she was on edge. A feeling in her gut told her Nathan was bad news. Their relationship seemed to be running at full speed in such a short space of time.
                  ‘I know, but she’s so…girly lately,’ Cassie joked.
                  ‘That’s true. Who stole our drummer?’ Jo-Jo laughed. Cassie sat next to Jo-Jo, and asked how things were back home.
                  ‘OK. Tom says Luke’s called a meeting about their next step.’ Cassie laughed as Jo-Jo flicked her hair out of her eyes, Luke Black style.
                  ‘They’re going to be fine – it’s fucking Luke. He’ll get those boys back out there,’ Cassie assured her. ‘They won’t be down for long.’
                  ‘I know. Tom’s missing it all. And you know what he’s like with his feelings. He won’t ever say, won’t want to pressure Luke. Cassie, he fucking misses being on the road so much. It’s killing him.’ Jo-Jo was the only person Tom would talk honestly to. ‘So for the first time in ages he has a little hope. Fingers crossed.’ Jo-Jo crossed her fingers, and held them up. 
                  ‘If Luke’s called a meeting, then it can only mean one thing. Don’t forget that out of all those boys, Luke is the worst when it comes to music, and being on the road. If it’s getting to the others, you can bet it’s ripping him apart too, and if that’s the case we know Melissa will make sure Luke is happy.’
                  Jo-Jo smiled and her faced showed a little relief. Cassie was completely right of course, and just to make sure things were moving forward, Cassie grabbed her phone and sent Luke a text.
                  ‘This meeting better be about you Eagles getting the fuck back out there. I need you back, and the chart wars are so boring and easy these days.’
                  His response was: ‘You’d better get ready Boyd. We’re going to knock you right off your throne.’
                  It sparked a long battle of words and even his text messages were a sign. ‘He’s getting cocky. He’s totally making a comeback. Cheeky swine.’ His last message was almost over the line even for friends, and made Cassie smile. That’s my Luke, she thought.
                  Jo-Jo felt relieved as this confirmed what they had all been waiting for. Her text to Tom said, ‘Good luck and I’m missing you. Love you, Loser, xx’ The trouble was that she could understand completely how he felt. She couldn’t imagine how it would feel to have it all one day, and then have it all taken away the next.
    The hotel security dragged the raging Zac from the room. His bands mates looked confused as they took in a sobbing Lyla and a raging Zac. The close couple had gone from perfectly happy to complete war in a matter of minutes.
                  ‘How could you do it?!’ Zac raged, his fury at its peak.
                  ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry,’ Lyla wailed back.
                  ‘We are done!’ he screamed at her, and her world finally collapsed. Zac screamed to his bandmates that he didn’t want her anywhere near him.
                  Danny, who had known Zac and Lyla since

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