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Book: InTooDeep by Rachel Carrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Carrington
started.” Dave tapped his
chin with an equally bony finger. “If Franklin discovers Dani’s true identity
he’s going to go on a witch hunt for Carley. Bagging a criminal like her will
definitely polish his brass.”
    “Doesn’t sound like you’re such a fan of
his after all,” Hunt noted, watching Dave’s expression. Though he’d kept out
the main parts of the story, like Franklin’s suspected involvement and the
undercover work, Hunt had revealed enough to expose Carley if Dave was in any
way involved with Franklin and his crew.
    “Never said I was a fan. The guy’s got
excellent creds but that doesn’t mean I like him. Now, where was I? Oh yeah,
Carley’s sister.” He lifted his shoulders and let them fall. “Okay, I haven’t a
clue what we’re going to do yet but we’ll figure something out. We’re
reasonably intelligent guys.”
    Hunt massaged that spot between his brows
that had started to ache. “Whatever is to be said about Franklin, he’s not
stupid. So whatever lie this is had better be a damn good one.”
    “Well I always say that the only lie worth
telling is a damn good one.” He stood, stretched and leaned forward to crack
his back. “Come on. Let’s get going.”
    Hunt was already on his feet before he
asked, “Where are we going?”
    “To the station. I just got an idea and
I’ll fill you in on the way. Before this is over, my friend, you’re going to
think I hung the moon.”
    “I doubt it, but it’s worth a shot.”
    Carley slipped into the house unnoticed by
the neighbors. Removing her shoes, she walked across the carpet toward the
large, overstuffed sofa in Hunt’s living room. She’d tried to call him several
times but all she got was voice mail. And each unreturned call only ratcheted
up her anxiety level. Unable to sleep, she found herself behind the wheel of
her car before she even realized it.
    “Where in the hell are you, Hunt?” Maybe
she shouldn’t be here but since Hunt had left the pain in her heart had grown
so strong she thought she might suffocate. And the walls inside the luxurious
hotel room had started to close in, making her take the risk of turning to a
man who might not even want her there.
    Curling up onto the sofa, she rested her
head atop a padded arm and watched the lanterns lining the walk outside reflect
off the wall mirror above her. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this
    For years she’d been alone, prided herself
on living a life without needing anyone. But something had changed the day she
met Hunt. Not right away, but it had changed. He’d made an impact on her in the
short time she’d known him, and his presence comforted her even though the mere
thought made her wince.
    She’d never considered herself one of those
weak women who needed a man to survive but she’d be lying to herself if she
didn’t admit she needed him…at least for now. Maybe when Dani was found Carley
could go back to the way things were before. Maybe.
    Her fingertips brushed the locket connected
to the gold chain secured around her neck. It had belonged to her mom, and the
day after she died Ben had given it to Carley.
    The memory stirred in her mind and, without
even realizing it, she swiped at the wetness on her cheeks. The tears surprised
    She’d been crying when her father had
brought the locket into her bedroom. He’d always said crying served no purpose.
It was better to do than lie around and cry. That time, though, he hadn’t
chastised her. He’d sat on the edge of her bed with the pink bedspread and held
her while he told stories about how he and her mother had met and why he’d
become a thief.
    Smiling a little, Carley sat up on the
sofa. No one would ever understand her like her father had. In spite of what
he’d done, he’d been her idol, and though she’d never intended to follow in his
footsteps, she trained alongside him, learning how to be agile and adept. At
just twelve years old she could shimmy under laser lines,

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