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Book: Decay by J. F. Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. F. Jenkins
gazing out the window was interrupted when Orlando walked up to her and handed her a can of soda. “You look tired,” he stated and then sat down in his usual chair by the door.
    â€œThanks,” she said and cracked the can open. School had felt even longer than usual. Amazing how eight hours could seem more like fifteen. She couldn't help but smile at the fact that he noticed her exhaustion.
    â€œIf you drink that, you're going to be awake until three in the morning,” JD teased from the couch.
    With a defiant scoff, Angela took a gulp of the soda anyway. He was right, but she wasn't about to turn down a gift from Orlando. The boost would be welcome if she had any hopes of staying awake through training. Her task was to learn how to use her powers more effectively. Orlando was almost always her teacher. How could she pass up the opportunity to get him alone?
    Ugh, stop pining over him. You're so pathetic, she thought with a frown as she went back to looking out the window. But she couldn't help it. Every moment she had Orlando to herself, there was sparks, and not just because of her ability. They clicked, and it was unlike anything she'd ever experienced with a guy before. Too bad the timing was all wrong.
    â€œEarth to Angela, come in?” JD asked, startling her.
    â€œUgh, what?” she snapped.
    He glared at her. “What's your deal? It's too early for it to be your period.”
    â€œI asked, what?” she repeated and took another drink from her can.
    Orlando raised an eyebrow. “You know when your sister gets her period?”
    â€œUh, duh, doesn't everyone?” JD asked.
    â€œCan't say I pay that much attention to mine,” Orlando commented.
    â€œThere are three women in my house, plus Cadence. This is important stuff for me to observe or I might start World War Three, man!”
    Orlando opened his mouth, but immediately shut it again, shaking his head. He was quickly learning something Angela had picked up on years ago: JD was weird. The best thing to do was keep on task and hope he caught up again.
    She tried one more time. “What do you want, bro?”
    â€œWe were talking about getting dinner after this. You interested?” JD asked.
    â€œMy treat,” Orlando added. Not like he had to broadcast it. Any time the group went out to do anything, he always paid. The guy had cash to burn, and didn't have any problems with sharing the wealth with his friends. Angela didn't mind, necessarily, but she didn't want him to think she was taking advantage of him either. But would he offer if he believed she was? Who knew? The guy was a mystery.
    She made eye contact with Orlando, taking in the sparkling blue eyes that didn't match the rest of his dark sense of style. They stood out against his pale skin, unnaturally black hair, and all black attire he wore. For a moment, she held his gaze and watched as he smirked. Why is he doing that? What does it mean?
    Shifting in her seat, Angela managed a nod, finally breaking the staring contest she was having with him. “Food would be good.”
    She could feel heat on her cheeks which meant she had to be blushing. Angela hated to blush, especially in front of a crush. It made everything way too obvious, and being obvious wasn't something most guys were into. Right? Wasn't that what separated the desperate girls from the sane, datable, ones? She was hopeful he wouldn't notice and was rewarded from further humiliation because Alan popped in and attracted the attention of everyone in the room.
    â€œI apologize for being late,” he said. “I overslept.”
    No one said anything. Angela herself wasn't sure how to respond. There was never a time when Alan was anything but professional. If he overslept, did that mean something was wrong? She held her tongue, resisting the urge to ask him about it. The last thing she wanted was to be overbearing and mother him. He probably had a good reason.
    Alan found his spot

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