Give Me All Of You

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Book: Give Me All Of You by Delka Beazer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delka Beazer
insignificance. She no longer wanted to talk about them.
    Sh e was left with just the need to stay like this or better yet somehow wiggle her way closer to Hunter.
    Technically h e hadn’t invited her in yet. Embracing the risk, she maneuvered a leg in the opening between his powerful ones, covered by a pajama bottom.
    “Da mmit Mina, stop that!” he shouted, staring down at her, his eyes warning darts in his face.
    He really did n’t want her here! Stunned by his vehement reprimand she ripped herself from him. Legs pumping she flew back down the stairs towards her car.
    She flung hers elf at the door, when he came crashing up behind her, somehow managing not to slam her into the car.
    “Get off me Hunter!” she yelled.
    Arms braced on either side of t he car, trapping her, he glared murderously down at her. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing now?”
She refused to be bullied by this oaf. She had her pride. “Obviously going home.”
    His eyes softened, but he muscles in his jaw flexed with impatience. “Not yet. Why did you come here tonight?”
Trapped, she wanted to lash out at him but then who could she talk too? Mutinously she glared up at him. “My mom and I cleared up a few things that were wrong between us and I felt … I guess I thought that I needed to share it with someone.”
    His eyes grew softer. “Tell me,” he commanded.
    Mina bristled at his high-handedness but she did need someone to talk too. She relaxed against the car and began talking softly.
    “I’m honored that you wanted to share that with me Mina,” he said when she was finished.
    She remained si lent, spent. She leaned forward slowly, when he showed no resistance, she buried her face in his clean shirt, inhaled the woodsy scent of skin.
    “ Make me forget the past Hunter.”
    There was no reply.
    She reared back, looked into his dark eyes. He was staring down at her as if she’d just appeared out of thin air.
    “What do y ou mean, exactly?” he rasped, reaching out and trailing a finger across her lips. She bit the tip and watched with delight which morphed into a sweet pain when he winced and brought the wounded digit to his own mouth and sucked it sensuously.
    She shifted , peered intently at her toes in the darkness. “You know exactly what I mean, Hunter.”
    “You want me to make love to you,” he said simply.
    She nodded, unable to voice a reply.
    He released a breath, rested his chin atop her head. “Mina, Mina, Mina. You don’t know what you’re asking.”
    She stood on tip-toe s, their eyes locked. “I know what I want and I know that you want me, so stop pussy-footing around and take me … if you can.”
    He cinched his eyes shut as if in pain. “Sweethe art don’t push me, please,” the last word was a groan.
    Se nsing victory she reached out and cupped him, he was already hard without them even sharing a kiss. Infinitely more titillating than that was the enormity of him. She traced him from the base to the tip, her fingers lingering on the broad, sensitive head.
    Hunter let out a guttural groan that was part curse. He scooped her up as he had so many times in the past and stalked purposefully towards his house.
    S he gulped, there was no turning back.
    He couldn’t wait, literally he was about to explode. Months of wanting her had brought him crashing towards this point.
    He kicked the door shut. T he kitchen was directly on the right, closer than his bedroom at the back of the house. The wall would have to do. He put her up against the wall. Bent his head and devoured her waiting lips, she hungrily reciprocated his bruising pressure, panting and groaning into his mouth.
    E cstasy, excitement, every conceivable sensation that was created for pleasure filled and brimmed over in his veins.
    He plowed her mouth with deep, hungry strokes. She’d called it upon herself, baiting and then demanding his entry.
    She whimpered and squirmed trapped as she was between the wall and him.
    He closed

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