Lord Edward's Law (Women of Wintercrest)

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Book: Lord Edward's Law (Women of Wintercrest) by Maggie Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Ryan
you prefer a nappy , Louisa?”  She violently shook her head, the thought of being diapered again too humiliating to consider. 
    “No…no , Sir, but…but please…please.”
    “Hush.  You will wear what I provide for you and, young lady, if I hear another protest or if you continue to whine, I will diaper you and adjust the age of your clothing appropriately.  I told you that your big girl days are past and, Louisa, the sooner you accept that fact, the easier it shall be for your bottom.”  She knew he was serious , and though she continued to sniffle a bit as he dressed her, she was soon standing before him in her new Sunday best.  She watched as he finished his own wardrobe and placed her hand in his as he led her from the room. 
    Edward had barely gotten her into her chair, a bowl of oatmeal before her , when she heard her sister enter the room.  She didn’t speak, too terrified of what her sister must think of her.  She saw Lucy glance at her from across the table and saw her eyes widen.  Louisa blushed hotly seeing the marked contrast in their clothing.  No longer did the two look identical.  Whereas she was dressed as a child, her long hair secured back from her face with a velvet blue ribbon, Lucy was dressed in a green gown with her hair piled atop her head.  Lucy looked at Edward and saw that he was calmly looking at her, almost as if daring her to speak out of turn.  She turned her eyes back to her sister and suddenly didn’t desire to cause her any additional pain.
    “Good morning , Louisa.  Good morning, Sir,” she said quietly and then very, very slowly took her own seat.  Despite the salve the evening before, her bottom ached beyond relief.  She hissed a bit as her bottom was forced to take her weight.  A bowl of oatmeal was also placed in front of her, along with a large glass of milk.  She shuddered, knowing she would be forced to drink the entire glass, and then felt ashamed.  At least she would be drinking from a glass and not being fed from a bottle!  She flicked her gaze up and was grateful to see that her sister also had a glass in front of her.  Perhaps the bottle had been some sort of punishment?  Lucy knew she wouldn’t dare ask and was almost afraid to even learn the answer. 
    “Good morning , Lucy.  I trust you slept well?” 
    She nodded , “Yes, Sir.”  Edward opened his paper and reached for his cup of tea.  The morning was beginning just fine, exactly as he liked it.  After a few moments he spoke from around the paper,
    “Eat your porridge girls.  Henri will bring the carriage around soon.  It wouldn’t do to be late for church.”  Lucy was shocked.  Though they regularly attended services, she couldn’t imagine riding in a carriage, much less walking into the church with her sister dressed the way she was.  Louisa looked no older than ten or so -- her hair long and loose held back from her face with a navy blue ribbon. Another large bow decorated the neckline of her dress and Lucy was pretty sure there was yet another tied behind her back. Surely Edward was going to allow her to change before taking his wife, the Lady of Wintercrest, out in public? She found she didn’t have the courage to speak, as just sitting was causing her to ache.  She dropped her glance and forced the last bite of oatmeal and the last sip of milk down her throat.  She wiped her lips with her napkin and then asked to be excused.
    “Yes , Lucy.  Please make sure you have your cloak and gloves.  We shall be leaving in just a bit as our trip will be longer this morning.”  She wondered at his words but simply nodded and hurried out of the room.  She gathered her belongings and then was forced to wait in the hall as Edward helped her sister into a plain wool cape.  He took her hand into his and gestured for Lucy to go ahead of them.  Mrs. Bremmer opened the front door and smiled at the family.
    “Enjoy the service , Sir,” she said, as she watched him hand both

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