Perfekt Balance (The Ære Saga Book 3)
    You go, Brynn! I
cheered her on.
    “Elsa?” Tyr grunted as he swung his
broadsword. The weight of the weapon and the shock of finding me in
his head must have thrown him off-balance, because his equilibrium
shifted and he stumbled to the right. Forse stopped pounding on his
opponent long enough to steady Tyr. He pulled his gun, twisted his
wrist, and fired at Brynn’s attacker. The force of the capsule
launched Bagatha off Brynn, who in turn took off running. As she
distanced herself from the impending implosion, Brynn pushed off
her toes and flung her body into the air. Tyr held Tosk’s attention
with a one-handed parry, giving Brynn the element of surprise. She
landed easily on her toes, raising her arms above her head and
driving her rapier deep into Tosk’s back. Tosk’s mouth fell open as
he looked down, his bony fingers wrapped around the blade sticking
through his chest. A tar-like substance oozed from the wound, and
in the second it took him to reach behind his back and withdraw the
weapon, Bagatha let out a wail. My focus shifted again as the
implosive took hold. A pungent odor filled the air and Bagatha’s
hands shook as her bones, organs, then flesh were sucked inward.
With a sickening pop she disappeared completely, her remains no
more than an ashy film settling on black soot.
    Forse’s attacker looked up in horror. Forse’s
rage was palpable, and I knew him well enough to understand he
needed a release. He holstered the gun and reached out so both
hands circled the dark elf’s neck. His eyes were dark as he
wrenched the elf’s head to one side, breaking the spine and
declaring unapologetically, “That’s for taking Elsa.”
    If the sight of a dangling dark elf head
wasn’t so disgusting, I would have kissed him. Though since I was
nothing more than an energy signature in my brother’s head, maybe a
kiss wasn’t exactly appropriate.
    An anger surge in Tyr’s brain brought my
attention back to my host. As Tyr prepared to drive his sword
through the still stunned Tosk, the elf pulled Brynn’s rapier from
his torso and flung it onto the ground. He twirled in a fast circle
and disappeared, leaving behind nothing more than a thick pool of
    My brother, Forse, and Brynn swore in unison.
Then they formed a triangle, backs pressed together, and turned a
tight circle as they scanned the area for threats. Wanting to be
useful, I pushed my energy out and felt for additional presences.
Other than the occasional scavenging animal, my friends were
    You’re clear, I
signaled in Tyr’s mind.
    “Elsa?” Tyr grunted. “Where are you?”
    Oh, sorry! I’m in here! In your head. I’m in your head. I
would have asked, but you seemed kind of busy , I apologized.
    “You think?” he muttered.
    “Is Tyr going crazy again?” Brynn asked
    “Shut up, Aksel. It’s my sister,” Tyr
growled. Since I was viewing the world through his eyes, I couldn’t
see my brother’s expression. But the way the sky turned a slow
circle before the screen focused on Brynn, I surmised he’d given
her an award-winning eye-roll.
    “Elsa?” Forse flew into Tyr’s frame of
vision. He gripped Tyr’s arms and shook. Annoyance flashed through
Tyr’s mind. “Where? Where is she?”
    “She’s in my head.” Tyr removed Forse’s hands
from his biceps. I could tell from the way his mind strained, it
wasn’t easy work.
    Forse! Are you okay? I shouted.
    “Else,” Tyr complained. “They can’t hear you.
And that gives me a headache.”
    “ Rule
number one. When we’re inside each other’s heads, we use our inside voices.
Remember?” Tyr chastised me out loud.
    I said I was sorry , I huffed.
    “ She’s in
your head?” Brynn jumped in front of Tyr and waved with
characteristic enthusiasm. “ Hei Elsa! Where are you? Are you okay? Sit tight;
we’re coming for you.” She adjusted her ponytail so her curls sat
less chaotically atop her cherubic face. “Tyr, where is she? Which
direction are

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