Beyond the Waves (Pacific Shores Book 1)
smile. “Taysia! You’re looking fab tonight!” She reached out as though to give her a hug and sloshed punch down the front of Taysia’s dress. Apologizing profusely, she swiped at the stain with a wad of napkins from the table. Everyone in the room knew the truth.
    Taysia’s eyes darted to Kylen, a blush staining her cheeks as she pushed Sophia’s hands away and whispered that everything was fine and not to worry. Backing away from the refreshment table, she glanced frantically around the room.
    Kylen followed her gaze and saw Darwin cavorting drunkenly on the dance floor with a girl wearing black makeup and leather. He turned back to see Taysia fleeing the room.
    He glared at Sophia. “That was cold, Sophia. Couldn’t stand the fact that she is twice as beautiful as you ever will be?” The words were hard, cutting. He meant them to be. Sophia burst into tears, covered her face with trembling hands, and flounced away. Several of her girlfriends rushed to console her with embraces and glares in Kylen’s direction. Kylen hesitated only a split second before he pushed through the surprised murmur of his classmates and ran after Taysia.
    Darwin must have driven her, because she was striding through the rain, swiping at her cheeks with one hand. He ran for his car and pulled out of the parking lot. Driving half a block ahead, he stopped at the curb and jumped out, turning to face her as she approached.
    “Go away, Kylen! You are the last person on earth I want to talk to right now!”
    “Taysia, just let me drive you home. It’s cold and raining, and it’s over two miles to your house.” By this time she was abreast of his car. She ignored him and tried to push past him, but he stepped into her path, resting his hands on her upper arms. “Come on, Layne, just let me drive you home.”
    She folded her arms, stepped back, and dropped her gaze to the sidewalk. “I can’t go home, Kylen.”
    He frowned. “Why not?”
    She swiped at a tear with the flats of her fingers, then refolded her arms without ever looking up. “I just can’t. My parents…”
    Understanding dawned. She didn’t want her parents to know. “Fine.” He took her by the arm, leading her to the passenger side of his car. “Come to my house, then. My parents are gone on business. At least you can have a warm shower and get into something dry. You can sneak home later.”
    She sank down into the seat without protest and leaned her head back. The minutes ticked off silently as he drove, the only sound that of the wipers methodically swishing across the windshield. He swallowed nervously, hating the silence. “You looked beautiful tonight.” The words were a surprise. He hadn’t meant to voice the thought aloud.
    She grimaced. “Shut up, Kylen.”
    He pulled into the drive of his dark house and glanced over at her. “Taysia?”
    She turned her head on the headrest and looked at him, her gray, tear-bright eyes shining luminously in the moonlight.
    He swallowed convulsively, his heart beginning to beat hard in his chest. He reached out and stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I mean it, Layne. You were the most beautiful girl there tonight.”
    She closed her eyes and did not pull away from his touch.
    It felt right when he leaned across the car and kissed her. Memories of their first tender kiss and that whole wonderful first summer when they had simply been two friends falling in love clouded his thinking. It felt right when they stumbled into the house and he pulled her up the stairs into his bedroom. Momentarily gone was the distance that Kylen had placed between them. It was as if they had never stopped being friends, being in love. Everything had felt right until it was over, and then he had known he’d made the biggest mistake of his life. Taysia didn’t meet his eyes as she got up and slipped back into her stained, wet gown and left. He’d been too angry with himself for taking advantage of her to stop her. Besides,

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