Empty Aisles & Empty Hearts (Preppers Perspective Book 3)

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Book: Empty Aisles & Empty Hearts (Preppers Perspective Book 3) by Ron Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Foster
Tags: preppers
said thinking about how quick 12 cans of whole chicken could go to his hungry household and him being forced to barter them for more of a lesser valued food.
    “ I wonder how many pounds of rice or beans a can of chicken should bring?” Dennis began musing
    “ I been thinking on that chicken purchase subject, I don’t know anyone close by Dennis that has any and I don’t know where the folks live that I know do got them and might be willing to sell.” Charles said remembering folks we knew from the local country bar but not that close personally.
    “ Charles I am up for us taking my truck and cruising the back roads around here and asking whoever we see if they will sell some chickens to us before this shit gets really bad. Folks are not crazy scared out here on these back roads yet. I got a good bit of green cash, some silver, a lot of ammo but I ain`t trading any ammo just yet. I don’t have any booze stored but I do have an ace up my sleeve on that particular highly favored barter item. I have been ready for this day awhile.” Dennis began before a chuckling Charles reminded him that he knew that fact too well because of all of Dennis prepping talk over the years and had showed him a table top style alcohol still.
    “ Well before I was so rudely interrupted Charles, I was going to tell you how we are going to cook off a batch of hooch in about a day and a half.” Dennis said smiling.
    “ Oh, yea you got that turbo yeast you been keeping refrigerated. You bought some off that expensive 24 hour and some of that cheaper but still quick 72 hour yeast etc. You are going to have to brew and distill it here though, I don’t have anything to power that electric still except my truck and an inverter. I am kind of light on gasoline Charles also and that is even if we can mix the ethanol we making with gas to run it.” Charles said getting excited about the project and its tasty prospects.
    “ I could lend you a couple of 12v marine batteries to go with that one you already got. On a sunny day with solar panels you could get a couple hours run at 600 watts that alcohol still pulls. We need to put up that marine alternator with those homemade pvc blades we created also. That thing supposedly will put out 1500 watts of power in a good strong breeze. We never did get around to buying a piece of pipe for a pole fpr it, but we can mount our wind turbine on a fresh cut oak or pine pole temporarily until we find something more suitable to use.” Dennis advised.
    “ Why don’t you just tell your mom we making gasohol and we clue her in on it being drinkable later?” Charles asked regarding the best place to run the still.
    “ That is a damn good idea! Simple enough reasoning and it’s not a lie actually. This first run though I want to do it using straight table sugar. You can keep that bread mash of yours going at home and I will do the insta booze vodka here. I got enough battery juice in that SUNRNR solar generator to maybe make 6 gallons if we don’t get any sun to help the solar panels out charging. Let’s see, my math tells me that will give me something like a case of quart jars (4 quarts to a gallon, 12 jars) so that is three gallons, then we got two pints to a gallon so I can get 6 pints out of the remaining three gallons. That is if my calculations are right, that tabletop still pulls a lot of power and has a very small capacity. Its fine for home use, but it is not for any kind of manufacturing or big distilling jobs. If we plan to use it as fuel we must further purify it running through the still a second time. We should now have ethanol near 98% pure. By soaking it in or filtering it through 'Zeolite' you can have pure alcohol. This product will absorb the water out of the alcohol leaving you with 100%, 200 proof Ethanol. I say we leave that stage out and just make sipping whisky or vodka. I can trade that shit for chickens if we can locate any of the bar buddies who have some

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