A Tale of Two Pretties

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Book: A Tale of Two Pretties by Lisi Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisi Harrison
Tags: JUV014000
after the disastrous dinner. It was a redundant effort, because production
     had already cleaned up most of it. But Dylan got the sense that she and “Merrily” were supposed to have some sort of mother-daughter
     moment. Due to her lack of experience, Dylan recalled the
Gilmore Girls
for inspiration.
    “Thanks for helping me clean,” Merri-Lee said. She cupped the glass of red wine that production had poured for her and took
     a seat at the breakfast bar. Once Dylan put away the last of the clean dishes, she joined her and guzzled the Diet Coke that
     someone had helpfully placed on the counter.
Sponsor much?
    “That was some fight your sisters were having, huh?”
    Dylan tensed, feeling the cameraman breathing down her neck as he tried to get his shot. She wondered what he’d do if she
     took the camera and broke it over his head. Would it be considered good TV?
    “Anyway, I’m glad we have this alone time.” Merri-Lee’sface was as concerned as her Botox injections would allow. She reached into the pocket of her Vera Wang tunic and held up
     a small package of pills. The light from the overhead rig reflected off of it, making Dylan squint.
    Merri-Lee took a deep breath. “I found these diarrhea pills in your purse.”
” Dylan gave the producer hovering in the doorway a death stare. “Mom, those are so
    Merri-Lee put a manicured hand on Dylan’s knee. “I’m concerned that you might be taking extreme, unhealthy measures to control
     your weight. You must face a lot of pressure, having me as a mom. But these”—she waved the packet of pills around—“are not
     the answer.”
    The scene was a bigger setup than the latest
Real Housewives
reunion show.
This cannawt be happening
, Dylan thought. She knew those pills had to have been planted by the producer. After all, she had never felt better about
     her body! The effects of her Caribbean cleanse were still showing, and the shoot schedule had kept her way too busy to sneak
     extra meals. For the first time, she believed all those celebrities who said they were too busy to eat. Besides, Dylan had
     enough gas and urgency on a normal day. Why on Earth would she ever want more?
    “You have to believe me,” she began, staring intently into Merri-Lee’s matching green eyes. “Those pills are
mine. Someone must have put them in there by mistake. It’s okay, though.” She patted Merri-Lee’s hands. Two could play this
     game. “I forgive you for accusing me.”
    Merri-Lee’s eyes tightened. “I’m sorry, Dyl-pickle, but I don’t believe you. I’m afraid I’m going to have to ground you.”
    The room fell silent as Dylan felt the repercussions of that word. She was
? She’d never been grounded in her life. Merri-Lee believed in the Dina Lohan style of parenting—let whatever happens, happen.
    Until now, anyway.
    Another camera showed up, this time blocking the doorway to the back staircase. Slowly, Dylan slid out of her chair, held
     her red head up high, and brusquely pushed the camera aside. She stomped up to her room, her Fiorentini & Baker boots echoing
     in time with the cameraman’s rhythm, then slammed the door squarely in his face.
    CUT TO:
    Lasagna was everywhere. Table after table of steaming, heavenly smelling dishes. She went from one plate to the next, eating
     a forkful at each station, savoring the perfectly cooked flat noodles, the crushed tomatoes, the cheese…
    A bright light blinded her. The lasagna was gone. All gone!
    Dylan opened her eyes. A bright light was shining in her face. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She shot up in bed and kicked off her
     covers. But then the light disappeared, and hushed giggles sang out over her bedroom.Someone whispered, “This scene will be just what we need to claim she’s having nightmares about her weight issues!”
    The door clicked shut, and Dylan was alone. She collapsed back onto her pillow and yelled into the feathers.
    There has to be a way to shut this

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