Across Eternity

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Book: Across Eternity by Aris Whittier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aris Whittier
her seat and
looked out her window. "You can see the entire coast. It’s like
we’re on top of the world up here."
    "I enjoy this drive. The views are not only great but I find the
twists and turns of the road relaxing, especially after a long day."
    She looked around. "I don’t think I’ve ever been this way
    "There’s not really much out this way but homes and US Forest
Service land." He steered into a corner as he pointed a finger.
"There are homes off to the side over here. But back behind there is
pretty much public land."
    "And where are you?"
    He point to his left. "You can’t see it, but my house sits off
that ridge over that way. We’re almost there. So, three months. Is that
supposed to be a long time?"
    "I’m not sure what the actual quota is for a ‘dry
spell’ but it sure feels like a long time." Rachael had gone
through men like a revolving door, so compared to her she was a spinster.
    "Well, if three months makes you rusty I’m damn near seized
    Her eyes found his and she smiled. "You’re having a dry spell,
too, are you?"
    "You could say that."
    "May I ask why?"
    "I’ve been waiting for the right person," he said.
"And yours?"
    "I work all the time. And sadly no one has asked me out."
    "I find that hard to believe." As he turned, Logan used his
blinker even though no one was behind him.
    "It’s true."
    "So what’s wrong with you?" he asked with a big smile.
    She laughed out loud. "Something has to be wrong with me. Is that what
men think when a woman hasn’t been out in a while—that
there’s something wrong with her? Like we’re
damaged goods or something."
    "Not damaged. But I think it’s a good way to weed out the crazy
    "We’ve already established that I’m not crazy."
    He smiled. "Yes, we have. Here we are."
    Amber didn’t see any sign of a residence, as they turned right onto a
long, narrowly paved road. "Where?"
    "After we round this bend you’ll see it."
    "You like your solitude," she commented as she looked at all the
trees and brush that formed a natural barrier around his home.
    "Yes. I bought the place because it came with so much land. I was
guaranteed that no neighbors would move in. It seems like the older I get the
more I need to escape from the city."
    Amber looked over at him. "May I ask you your age?"
    "You may always ask me anything. I’m thirty-seven."
    "Please don’t take offense, but you seem older."
    "Do I? It must be all that wisdom you see in my eyes." His lips
curved into a grin. "There it is."
    Amber looked out her window at Logan’s home. The single-story home
looked amazing as it extended across the hilltop in several directions. Little
lights dotted the exterior outlining the ranch style architecture.
"It’s beautiful and big. Did you have it built?"
    "No, it’s way too much space for just me. I bought it for the
location." He guided the car around the curving driveway as it bent
toward the front of the house and then looped rounded to the other side.
"That’s all I cared about. It could have been a hut and I’d
have been just as happy."
    Punching the remote, clipped to his visor he pulled the car into the garage.
Turning the car off, Logan got out and walked around the front of the car.
Stopping at the passenger’s door, he opened it and reached for
Amber’s hand.

Chapter Nine

    As Amber got out of the car, Logan held her hand as they walked through the
garage and moved to the door that led to the interior. Flicking on the lights
with the back of his hand, he said, "This is the kitchen."
    She viewed all the appliances and the large center island. "I can see
    "Sorry," he said lamely. He wasn’t used to feeling like
this. He also wasn’t used to bringing women to his home. It was peculiar
to have her in his space.
    "That’s okay. I like to see you nervous." She set her
purse on the counter. "It reminds me you’re human."
    "Do you have a tendency to forget?" He asked as he set his keys
down and turned on a few

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