Broken #2 (The Broken Series - Book #2)

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Book: Broken #2 (The Broken Series - Book #2) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
Instead, I would
have a handsome guy by my side, even if we weren't together.
    “So when is this little hoopla?”
    “Not for a couple of days yet. Can you handle the suspense?”
    He chuckled. “Not sure. The
bigger question is, when are you giving me that
massage, cause girl, I could sure use one right now.”
    “Sorry to disappoint. But it's
going to have to wait until tomorrow. I have plans tonight.”
    “With who? Not another guy, I hope.”
    “It's none of your business, Jet,”
I winked at him.
    “So tomorrow then?”
    “Okay, I can live with that.”
    “I'll see ya tomorrow, then. Go
home and have a bath,” I waved at him as I walked away.
    Chapter Twelve

    I checked my phone, and realized
that I didn't have a whole lot of time before Natalie was going to arrive. I
couldn't be more excited to see the girl, in more than one way, and for more
than one reason. That gorgeous redhead was coming over today to give me the
massage she promised me. I couldn't even explain what that did to my mindset.
My dreams the night before had been porn-filled, with images of Natalie with
her hands on my body. I couldn't help it, and no other guy would blame me.
    I needed to take a shower before
the beauty showed up at my door. I wanted to be squeaky clean for her. She was
massaging me, after all, and didn't want to be touching some sweaty, smelly
guy. I grabbed my boxer briefs, and a towel, and headed to the shower. I
adjusted the water temperature, and waited until it grew hot. My clothes
dropped to the floor, and I jumped into the shower. I rinsed off, letting the
water drill into my back like hot acupuncture. I had been taking baths almost
exclusively, and they had helped a little, but I had some healing to do, for
sure. I put shampoo in my hand, and lathered up my hair. I rinsed it quickly,
and grabbed the bar of soap to wash my body. I didn't stay in the shower long; I
just wanted a quick clean, to be nice and fresh.
    I stepped out of the shower, and
dried off. The towel felt nice against my coarse skin. I felt great, and I was
about to feel even better. I pulled a beer from the fridge, and sat down on the
couch and took a pull from it. I had to admit, I was a little nervous to have
Natalie so close to me again, and she would be sober.
    There was a knock at the door,
and I quickly head over to open it. There was a vision at my door, and I was
almost rendered speechless ... almost.
    “Hey, I was just having a beer in
preparation for you.”
    “Can I have one, too?”
    I liked that, so I smiled. I let
her in the apartment, and she headed straight for the couch. I went back to the
fridge, and grabbed her a beer, taking the cap off of
it. She took it from my hand when I ventured into back the living room.
    She took a slow drink from the
bottle, watching me carefully. I had never wished to be the bottle more in my
life. She was gorgeous, and she was even more gorgeous when she was drinking
that beer.
    “What are you thinking?” she
    I chuckled. “I'm thinking you
should drink beer more often.”
    She smiled; actually, she glowed.
“Oh, is that right?”
    “Yes, that's definitely the
truth. You are so sexy drinking that beer.”
    “Oh, you're just playing with me.
I don't think I've been sexy a day in my life.”
    “You would be surprised, Natalie.”
    She took another pull on the beer,
and I started to think I wanted my massage.
    “So where should we do this?”
    “Your bed should work just fine.”
    Wow, that's all it took for my
heart to beat tough. My bed would definitely do just fine. I grabbed my beer.
“Let's go, then.”
    “Okay, sounds good,” she got up
with her beer as well, and followed me to my bedroom. She sat on my bed, and I
started to undress. I took off my shirt as well as my undershirt, and then I
took off my pants. She gasped as I did so, a shocked look on her face. I kept
going, mainly because I wanted to see what she was going to say. I dropped my
drawers and

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