One Night With My Billionaire Master

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Book: One Night With My Billionaire Master by Cynthia Sax Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Sax
okay?” Logan traces the line of my jaw.
    “Yes, sir.” I’m more than okay. I’m ready to kick some ass.
    “Good.” My billionaire smiles at me and then turns his attention to my father and half-siblings. “Now, where were we?” Although Logan’s expression is relaxed and his words are casual, his lips are flat, his muscles under me are tense, and his body is coiled, ready to attack.
    “You arrived, prepared to gloat. Arianna, predictably, threw herself at you.” Frederick tries to imitate Logan’s bored tones. He doesn’t have the confidence to pull it off. “This must be a coup for you, Ross. You benefit from my former half-sister’s…ummm… consulting services and you humiliate my father.”
    Oh, shit. I turn within the protective circle of my billionaire’s arms, sitting sideways, across his powerful thighs, and I peek between the folds of his suit jacket. Frederick appears unconcerned. He thinks Logan will approve of their deceit, that he’ll enjoy my father’s embarrassment, and not take any action against them.
    My half-brother is about to get his ass handed to him.
    “If you think this stunt pleases me...” Logan leans forward, pressing his chest against my shoulder, anger rolling off his body in heavy, hot waves. My half-siblings shift nervously in their chairs. “You’ve made a serious error. Arianna belongs to me. No one hurts anyone I consider mine.”
    Kayla squeaks. Frederick and Cindra turn chalk-white.
    That’s my dominant man. I silently cheer.
    “We all know she belongs to you,” my father comments dryly. “We saw the video. Take your prize and leave my boardroom. She no longer has a place here.”
    “The video?” Logan frowns, lines etched between his black eyebrows. “You know that isn’t your daughter in the video.”
    My father glares at him, not saying a word.
    “He doesn’t know that,” I answer for him. “He thinks it’s me.”
    My billionaire meets my gaze, appearing genuinely confused. “The woman doesn’t look anything like you.”
    I smile sadly. “He didn’t care enough about me to watch the video closely, to ensure his accusations were true, and even if he had...” I shrug. “I doubt he knows what I look like. He’s never really seen me. I’ve always been my mom’s daughter, a betrayal waiting to happen.”
    “Yet, you love him.” Logan strokes my cheek, his calloused fingers light on my skin.
    “I love him.”
    “And you love me with that same intensity,” my billionaire presses.
    My face heats. “I love you with everything I have. I chose you.”
    “Exactly.” My father slaps his palms against the boardroom table. “You chose the enemy over your father, over your family. Even if that isn’t you in the video.” I blink. Is he admitting he might be wrong? “You’re sprawled all over him. I know he’s had you.”
    I can’t deny this. Anyone reading our body language knows we’ve fucked. “I resisted my attraction to Logan for seven months and five days.” I don’t tell my father that the clock stopped yesterday. “I made us both suffer because I was seeking your approval. I thought if I did everything you asked me to do, acted the way you wanted, you’d love me as much as you love them.” I curl my top lip at my half-siblings. “But you never planned to treat me equally. That wasn’t your goal. You wanted me to fail, and eventually I did.” I shake my head. “So yes, Logan has me. He has me for as long as he wants.”
    “I want forever,” my billionaire states. “And I won’t settle for less than that.”
    I inhale sharply. “You won’t?”
    “I won’t,” he confirms. “You will always be mine.”
    Strangled noises originate from deep in my half-siblings’ throats. My happiness wasn’t what any of them wanted, yet, ironically, due to their stunt, joy is within my grasp. I cover Logan’s hands with mine. Our relationship is now public knowledge. He can openly claim me.
    And he has, his grip on my body

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