On a Darkling Plain

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Authors: Unknown Author
Tags: Richard Lee Byers
a comprehensive strategy to destroy us.”
    “I agree,” said Elliott. Many of the onlookers began to babble. The actor raised his hand and the noise subsided. “Does anyone have any idea who the enemy might be?” The assembled Kindred looked at each other uncertainly. Apparently no one had any specific candidate. In point of fact it could be anyone, any powerful vampire seeking to extend his power, to settle an old score that the offending party had forgotten all about, or torelieve the boredom of centuries by playing a vicious game. Insulated in their pleasant little kingdom, some of the undead of Sarasota had probably forgotten the ruthless machinations in which many of their fellows delighted; but they were remembering how.
    “I can’t think of a candidate either,” said Elliott wryly. “So we’ll have to maintain a defensive posture until we can ferret out more information. Now, why don’t we discuss the four aspects of our problem in turn and determine what to do about each one. First, of course, and very dear to all our hearts, is Roger.”
    “How is he?” a male voice cried from the back of the room.
    “Not good,” Elliott admitted. “But at least, though his reason is impaired, his body is still strong. It’s not as if he were dying. We’ve brought in Lionel Potter to attend him, so he’s getting the best care possible. We have every reason for hope, and we can do two things to help him: we can stand guard over this haven, so no enemy can attack him in his hour of weakness; and, much as I know you want to visit him, those of you who don’t belong to the primogen can stay away from him. Don’t give him a chance to trick you into releasing him from his restraints.”
    Gunter rose from his couch. “At the moment, Roger can’t lead,” he said flatly. “Who will?”
    Not you, Elliott thought, not if I have anything to say about it. Gunter was powerful enough to dominate most assemblages of Kindred, but in the Toreador’s opinion, the perpetually flushed, flaxen-haired Malkavian was neither concerned with anything beyond self-aggrandizement nor particularly bright.
    “I trust that for the time being we can make decisions by consensus, with the primogen providing direction as needed,” Elliott replied smoothly.
    Gunter stared into Elliott’s eyes. The Toreador felt he was receiving a message as clearly as if his fellow lieutenant were speaking it aloud: If anyone succeeds Prince Roger, it will be me. If you try to steal the throne, I’ll kill you.
    “All right,” Gunter said. “We’ll do it that way for the time being.”
    Elliott turned, reestablishing eye contact with the rest of the crowd, or at least giving them the impression that he’d done so. “Now, about our finances,” he said. “We employ some of the best executives, financial planners and lawyers in the world. I’m confident that with their assistance our little investment cartel will weather the present storm. As a matter of fact, I’m glad our enemy has made this move. By investigating his front men, his puppet investors and litigators, we may be able to determine his identity.”
    “Oh, God,” moaned Karen, a pretty brunette vampire in amber-tinted glasses. “I can’t believe this. Every penny I have is in that fund.” Some of the other Kindred muttered similar sentiments.
    “Fools!” Judy cried in a voice like the crack of a whip. Many of the audience flinched.
    The Brujah sprang out of her seat and stalked to Elliott’s position center stage. “Do you think money is important?” she asked the crowd. “Money is nothing! You can wring it out of the kine whenever you choose. Strength and courage are what matter! If you’ve grown so soft that you’ve forgotten that, perhaps you deserve to be destroyed!”
    “Damn straight!” one of her clanmates cried. Throughout the audience, people, shamed by her scorn, were visibly trying to conceal their trepidation. Judy quirked an eyebrow at Elliott and he gave her an

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