Scaling Her Dragon: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 8)

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Book: Scaling Her Dragon: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 8) by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
for entering your lair?”
    His eyes shined in the moonlight. “I take care of Dragosland. It was my father’s job before me and will be Razzy’s job after.”
    She caressed the side of his scruffy face. She didn’t know why, but the feel of the harsh, little hairs poking out of his jaw turned her on more than his clean-shaven look did. “You must miss your parents.”
    He held her hand to his cheek. “I do. My dad was a great man. Loved by everyone. When Brecc’s father killed him, I felt like my heart was being torn out.”
    Her chest compressed with sadness. It had to be awful to witness something like that. “I’m sorry. Your land is beautiful though. You’ve done a great job with Razzy as well.”
    He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “You’re so generous. Giving me credit for something my mother was responsible for.”
    She smiled. “Razzy told me she was a little kid when things took place, and you had to take control of everything. Don’t act like I’m mistaken.”
    “Will you miss anything from Earth if you stay here?”
    She glanced up at the sky, trying to control how fast her heart decided to beat when she heard that question. She didn’t know if he was saying something about them. Did he mean he wanted her to stay with him? God, she hoped so. He made her feel things, so many things. All wonderful and exciting. “No.” She met his gaze. “I’d just as easily give up everything I had there if I found happiness here.”
    “Razzy mentioned you have a hard time with dares.”
    She laughed. “Yes. I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting to take each one and make it a reality.”
    “What’s the silliest thing you’ve done on a dare?” He adjusted her, so she could lean her head back on his shoulder.
    “I wore a tutu for a whole day while running errands.” She laughed at the memory. “I had so many weird looks. People asking me if I had a caretaker or if I knew what I was wearing.”
    He chuckled. “Sounds like a very interesting day.”
    “Hey, you can’t tell me you’ve never done something silly,” she said. “Start spilling.”
    He shook his head, thrusting his fingers into her hair. He pushed the strands the wind had shoved over her face back behind her ear. “I’m too busy to do anything silly.”
    She raised her brows and blew a raspberry. “C’mon. I bet you have a naughty streak in you.”
    Heat flared in his gaze. “Oh, believe me, beautiful, I definitely have a naughty streak. I can show it to you when we get back to my bed.”
    She inhaled a sharp breath at the way his features turned feral. Whoa! She saw the desire on his face. “I will definitely take you up on that, but you have to tell me something silly. Come on. Open up,” she whispered. “Give me your deep, dark secrets.”
    He laughed and kissed her cheek. “You don’t see it, but you have such an impish smile.”
    “You’re stalling.”
    “All right. Okay.” He frowned in thought. “When I was a kid, Brecc and I caught my father sleeping. My mother had given Razzy, who was a baby at the time, hair bows and things to play with her toys.”
    He nodded. “We put bows in my father’s hair while he slept. When he woke, he chased us around the house until he caught us. Then he carried each of us on his shoulders and dumped us in the river.”
    She laughed, her eyes tearing from the image of him and Brecc as little kids soaking wet. “I bet that was fun.”
    “Not really.” He laughed. “It was the middle of a bad winter. We were freezing when we got out, but my father had our blankets at hand, and we were warm within a few seconds. Still, it taught us not to mess with him when he was asleep.”
    “How did you two not freeze?” she gasped.
    “We’re shifters. Our bodies are used to everything on this planet from a young age. Being cold was only a mild inconvenience. The chase was the fun part.” He smiled wistfully. “I had a lot of fun back then.”

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