The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights

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Book: The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights by John Steinbeck Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Steinbeck
where the hermit cleaned his wounds and stopped the blood with bandages and healing balms. For three days the king rested there before he was able to mount his horse and go on his way. And as he rode with Merlin by his side, the king said bitterly, “You must be proud to serve me, Merlin, a defeated king, a great and worthy knight who does not even have a sword, disarmed, wounded, and helpless. What is a knight without a sword? A nothing—even less than a nothing.”
    â€œIt is a child speaking,” said Merlin, “not a king and not a knight, but a hurt and angry child, or you would know, my lord, that there is more to a king than a crown, and far more to a knight than a sword. You were a knight when you grappled Pellinore unarmed.”
    â€œAnd he defeated me.”
    â€œYou were a knight,” said Merlin. “Somewhere in the world there is defeat for everyone. Some are destroyed by defeat, and some made small and mean by victory. Greatness lives in one who triumphs equally over defeat and victory. But you want a sword. Very well, you shall have one. There is a sword nearby that shall be yours if I can get it for you.”
    They rode on until they came to a broad lake of clear and lovely water. And in the middle of the lake Arthur saw an arm with a sleeve of rich white silk, and the hand held up a sword by its scabbard.
    Merlin said, “There is the sword I spoke of.”
    Then they saw a damsel who walked lightly on the surface of the lake.
    â€œThis is a wonder,” said the king. “Who is that damsel?”
    â€œShe is the Lady of the Lake,” said Merlin, “and there are other wonders. Under a great rock deep in the lake is a palace as rich and beautiful as any on earth where the lady lives. She will come to you now, and if you are courteous and ask her nicely, she may give you the sword.”
    Then the lady drew near and saluted Arthur, and he greeted her and asked, “Lady, please tell me what is that sword that I see in the lake. I wish I might have it, for I have no sword.”
    The damsel said, “The sword is mine, my lord, but if you will give me a gift when I ask it, you shall have the sword.”
    â€œOn my honor, I will give you anything you ask for,” said the king.
    The lady said, “Then it is yours. Go to the little boat you see there and row out to the arm and take both the sword and the scabbard. I will ask for my gift when the time comes.”
    Then Arthur and Merlin dismounted and tied their horses to trees, and they went to the little boat and rowed to the arm. And Arthur gently took the sword, and the hand released it and hand and arm disappeared under the water. And the two rowed back to the shore and mounted and rode on their way.
    Near the pathside they came to a rich tent and Arthur asked about it.
    â€œDon’t you remember?” Merlin said. “That is the pavilion of your late enemy King Pellinore. But he is not here. He fought with one of your knights, Sir Egglame, who finally turned and fled to save his life. And Pellinore gave chase and followed him as far as Caerleon. We will meet him soon returning.”
    â€œGood,” said Arthur. “Now that I have a sword I will fight him again, and this time I will not lose.”
    â€œThat is not well spoken, sir,” Merlin said. “Sir Pellinore is weary with fighting and chasing. There will be little honor in beating him now. I advise you to let him pass, for he will give you good service soon and his sons will serve you after his death. In a short time you will be so pleased with him that you will give him your sister for his wife. Therefore, do not challenge him when he passes.”
    â€œI will do as you advise,” said the king, and he looked at his new sword and admired its beauty.
    Merlin asked, “Which do you like better, the sword or the scabbard?”
    â€œThe sword, of course,” said Arthur.
    â€œThe scabbard is far more

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