Surrender 01 - Surrender

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Book: Surrender 01 - Surrender by Melody Anne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Anne
offered an incredible job yesterday with a wonderful company.” She took a step closer to him and poked him in the chest. He was so surprised by her surge of confidence that he didn’t think to stop her.
    “You can take your prostitution job and shove it up your a—”
    “That’s enough,” Rafe interrupted as he grabbed her hand and forced her to take several retreating steps. He followed , speaking in a controlled voice barely above a whisper . “I may like the fire in you, Ari, but don’t take my interest in you, my curiosity, as weakness. If or when I truly want to possess you, it will happen. Leave no doubt about that. You can have your small victory, but be very careful with what you say to me. There’s nothing on this planet I like more than a challenge . Just remember that when you play with me — you will lose.”
    With those words he turned and walked away, leaving her standing in the hallway with her mouth hanging open. He’d taken her small victory and squashed it.

Chapter Eight

    “I have a meeting with the board of directors today, Mom. I’m excited. I think things are going to turn around for us,” Ari said with a big smile.
    “That’s great, darling, and I think you’re right. I’m feeling much better — I even ate most of my breakfast today. How was your night?”
    “I got a job, a really great job, as an assistant to the vice president of a prestigious electronics company. I may even get to do some traveling, but not for a while,” Ari answered excitedly. Her mother’s concerned expression confused her.
    “I thought you were going to re-enroll in school, Ari. You won’t be happy working as someone’s secretary. You’re far too talented and smart for that.”
    “I promise you I’ll get back in school as soon as all this is over.”
    “Ari, most college students who drop out for one reason or another find it impossible to return to their studies. Life gets in the way. I will get my medical stuff figured out on my own. I want you to go to school and finish what you started.”
    “I give you my word that I’ll go back. I can’t concentrate on doing homework and attending classes when I know you need help. Think of it from my perspective, Mom . Would you be able to just go on living your life if the situation were reversed? If I were the one lying in the hospital bed needing surgery, could you just pretend it wasn’t happening?” Ari challenged.
    Her mother looked at her for a few minutes as if trying to come up with the correct words, then glanced down. Ari knew her mom wouldn’t lie to her, so she instead chose to say nothing.
    “I’ll be back by to visit with you, but I have to run right now. I’m going to charm those board members and then we’ll get you into surgery and back on your feet before you know it. Everything has turned around now that you’re awake. Can’t you feel the good karma in the room?” Ari said with another smile. She bent down and kissed her mother’s cheek, then walked from the room and made her way to the elevator.
    She admitted only to herself that she was shaking inside. She was intimidated at the idea of meeting with the panel of board members who could grant her pro bono surgery, but she wouldn’t show that. If she gave the appearance of confidence, then they’d see that the only right decision was to give her mother the operation she not only needed, but deserved.
    “I’m here for a meeting with Mr. Coolidge and the board members,” Ari announced to the secretary stationed on the executive floor.
    “Name, please?”
    “Arianna Harlow.”
    “They’re waiting for you now. Go through the door on the left.”
    Ari tightened her purse on her shoulder and made her way to the door. She stalled when she walked through, seeing all the exceptionally dressed men and women sitting around a large oval table. One chair was available at the end. She assumed it was for her, but she didn’t want to sit until invited.
    “Ms. Harlow. Thank you for

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