Cutler 01 - Dawn

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like a wilting flower. I saw little things about her that filled my balloon of worry with more and more concern. I knew if it continued, I would burst into a panic.
    The next day Philip Cutler surprised me at my locker right before the homeroom bell rang.
    "Going to let me take you for a ride today?" he asked, whispering in my ear.
    I had thought about it all night. It would be the first time I had ever gone for a ride with a boy.
    "Where would we go?"
    "I know a spot on this hill that overlooks the James River. You can see for miles and miles. It's beautiful. I've never taken anyone there," he added, "because I haven't met anyone I thought would appreciate it like I do. Up until now, that is."
    I looked into his soft blue eyes. I wanted to go, but my heart felt funny, as if I were betraying someone. He saw the hesitation in my face.
    "Sometimes you just sense things," he said. "I wouldn't ask any of these other girls because they're so spoiled they wouldn't be satisfied just looking at nature or scenery. They'd want me to take them to a fancy restaurant or something. Not that I don't want to take you to one," he added quickly. "It's just that 1 thought you might appreciate this the way I do."
    I nodded slowly. What was I doing? I couldn't just go off with him without asking Daddy first, and I had to get back home to help Momma with Fern. And what if Jimmy was right and this was all some sort of secret prank engineered by Philip's sister and her friends?
    "I've got to be home early enough to help Momma with dinner," I said.
    "No problem. It's only a few minutes from here. Is it a date? I'll meet you in the lobby just after the bell rings."
    "I don't know."
    "We'd better start for class," he said, taking my books in his arms. "Come on, I'll walk you."
    As the two of us walked side by side down the corridor, we turned a number of heads. His friends all smiled and said hello to me. At my homeroom doorway he handed me my books.
    "So?" he asked.
    "I don't know. I'll see," I said. He laughed and shook his head.
    "I'm not asking you to marry me. Not yet anyway," he added. My heart fluttered and I felt as though Philip had been able to read my every thought. I hadn't been able to stop myself from making up stories—my own private fairy tale—before I fell asleep last night. I had imagined handsome Philip Cutler and me becoming the ideal couple, pledging undying love for each other, and becoming engaged. We would live in his hotel, and I would bring Momma and Daddy and Fern, and even Jimmy would come eventually because Philip would make him a manager or something. At the end of my fantasy Philip forced Clara Sue to be a chambermaid.
    "I'll be after you all day," he promised and went off to his own class. His blue eyes seemed so sincere. This couldn't be a joke, I thought. Please, don't let it be a trick.
    When I turned to enter homeroom, I saw the looks of surprise on the faces of some of the girls who had obviously seen me with Philip. Louise's eyes were as round as half-dollars and I could see that she couldn't wait to ask me questions.
    "He wants me to go for a ride with him after school," I told her finally. "Do you think his sister put him up to it?" I asked, fishing for some clues.
    "His sister? Hardly. She's mad at him for even talking to you."
    "Then maybe I'll go," I murmured dreamily.
    "Don't do it," she warned, but I could see the excitement in her own eyes.
    Every time I passed from one class to the next, Philip was waving and asking, "Well?" Just after I sat down in my math class, he popped his head in the door and looked at me, raising his eyebrows, questioning. I could only laugh. He disappeared quickly when the teacher turned toward him.
    The only sour incident occurred when I found Clara Sue waiting for me at the doorway to my next class. Linda was standing beside her.
    "I heard that Mr. Moore is considering you for the solo at the concert," she said, her eyes small and watchful.
    "So?" My heart was

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