One Week Girlfriend part 1

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Book: One Week Girlfriend part 1 by Monica Murphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Murphy
The car slows and turns onto a driveway and I know we’re at our destination. The country club awaits, most likely filled to the brim with a bunch of snooty snobs and holy crap, I’m still incredibly nervous. Oh, and amped up by that kiss. Adrenaline runs through me, making me tremble and I glance out the window, staring at the scenery spread out before us. I need it to distract me so I’ll stop thinking about Drew’s magical lips and tongue.
    So I focus on something mindless. Like how we really need to take a ride along 17 Mile Drive before we leave, so I can ogle all the houses and the ocean and soak up all that beauty and wealth. No way am I going to miss seeing it, especially since we’re so close. Gorgeous houses and serene yards, everything so beautiful it’s almost painful to look at for too long. Yes, I should definitely focus on scenic drives and ocean views.
    Not beautiful men who kiss every thought out of my head and leave me a trembling, aroused mess.
    “Do I look all right?” I smooth my hand over my hair, hoping I’m not all mussed up.
    “You look amazing.” The sincerity in his voice touches me deeply. I am a sucker for this man and he doesn’t even know it.
    I glance over at him. His mouth is swollen, his eyes glittering and his hair is sticking up all over the place from me tugging on it. Other than that, he looks perfectly fine.
    Really fine. But what else is new?
    Reaching out, I smooth his hair down, combing it back into place with my fingers. I do it a few times more than necessary but his hair so silky soft and I love how it clings to my fingers. He doesn’t say a word, he hardly moves, though those intense blue eyes are locked on me the entire time. When I finish, I pull away from him, settling in my seat with a breath of relief.
    “There,” I say, clearing my throat when I realize my voice is still shaking. Damn it. “Now you look presentable.”
    The car pulls to a stop in front of a giant, beautiful old building and my door swings open, a man in a dark green and white uniform with a kind smile peering inside. “Need help out, miss?”
    “Yes, thank you.” I settle my hand in his white-gloved one and he pulls me out of the back seat. Drew opens his own car door, as does his dad while another attendant takes care of Adele.
    I hardly noticed what she was wearing back at the house, so I take my time to check her out now. Her dress is a dark navy blue, a long, slender column that skims her every willowy curve, covering her from her neck to her feet. It doesn’t reveal much skin, but it showcases the length of her body, the fact that there isn’t an ounce of fat on her anywhere.
    Her hair is pulled back into a low ponytail, black as a midnight sky, and the ends swinging across her perfect butt as she turns to greet someone. The place is bustling with excitement, lots of people pouring inside and I know it’s going to be packed. I really hope we have a table already reserved or something, though it might be kind of exciting if Drew and I were together but separated from his parents.
    In fact, I would prefer it.
    “Like what you see?”
    Adele’s contemptuous voice startles me and I lift my gaze to hers, discover she’s watching me with an undisguised sneer curving her lips.
    “Your dress is beautiful,” I say and she smiles icily in response but otherwise doesn’t say a word.
    God. I want to stomp my foot and tell her to screw off. But I hold it all in, offering her a faint smile when she looks back my way. Though she’s not really looking at me, she’s looking at Drew, who’s come up behind me. I know this because I can sense him, smell his delicious scent, feel the alluring warmth that radiates off of his big body.
    I have it so incredibly bad for this guy. I’m in deep trouble. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? What then? There’s nothing I can do about it. I signed up for this and now I have to deal with the consequences, no matter what happens.
    “Ready to go

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