A Knife to Remember

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Book: A Knife to Remember by Jill Churchill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Churchill
“You got your kitchen cleaned up, didn’t you?“
    “Not really,“ Jane admitted. “I just shoved most of the mess out of sight. I’ll sort it out later and get things back to their proper places. Anybody who tries to use the guest bathroom is in for a horrible shock.“
    “Anything missing?“ Mel asked.
    “Who could tell? I doubt it. Mel, you haven’t told us... how was Jake killed?“
    “Stabbed. And the knife was jammed out of sight under the metal railing to the trailer. Blade outward. That’s how the Kowalski kid cut his hand—if he’s telling the truth.“
    “Mel, you don’t suspect him!“ Jane exclaimed. “He’s a bone-deep nice kid.“
    “You know him? Well?“
    “Well enough. I only met him once, but he was nice to my cats. Stop giving me that look! I know it sounds stupid, but a person who is gentle and considerate to animals can’t be a murderer.“
    “No? I was on a case once where the mass murderer fed his victims to his dogs.“
    “Oh, please—“ Shelley said, turning away.
    “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’ll take note of your evaluation of Butch Kowalski, Jane. Now, I have an important question for you.”
    He picked up the big manila envelope he’d put on the coffee table when he came in. He opened the end of it and very carefully pulled out a plastic bag. Inside was a blood-encrusted knife. “I’m sorry, Jane, but you must look carefully at this. Have you ever seen this knife before?”
    Jane didn’t answer for a long moment. Not because she didn’t know the answer, but because she hated having to say it. Finally, she cleared her throat and said, “Yes, it’s mine.”

    “How can you be so sure?“ Mel asked. He sounded as if he was giving her every opportunity to change her mind.
    Jane would have loved to take the admission back, but couldn’t. “The kids gave me the set last Christmas. There are four and they go into a sort of chopping block thing. I accidentally set this one on a hot burner and part of the handle melted a little. See those two burner marks? And then Mike took it to his room to open a box and it hung around up there and got some green model airplane paint right where the blade fits into the handle. You can see a little of it.“
    “Are you okay, Jane?“ Shelley asked.
    “Yes. Just a little woozy feeling. Mel, please put it away.“
    “Sure. I’m sorry. You hadn’t missed it when you cleaned up the mess in your kitchen?“
    “No, why should I? I wasn’t taking inventory and haven’t even finished cleaning up. And even if I had noticed it wasn’t in the block with the others, I’d have just assumed it was in the dishwasher or with the stuff I shoved into the guest bath.“
    “Do you remember where you last had it?“ Mel asked.
    “Mel, I don’t pay that kind of attention to every kitchen utensil. Now, if you wanted to know the last time I hauled out the pasta maker or the cookie press or the electric meat slicer, I could probably tell you. But an everyday kitchen knife—? No. It’s like an extension to my hand. I use it without even thinking.”
    She heard the sound of her own voice rising toward hysteria and took a deep breath, turning away to study the view out the window while Mel rattled around putting the gory knife back into the envelope. It was starting to get dark, but the movie production showed no signs of slowing down.
    “This Kowalski person you mentioned is Jake’s assistant, right?“ Shelley asked Mel. “Why do you think he’s lying about cutting his hand by accident?“
    “I don’t necessarily think he’s lying,“ Mel said, putting the envelope next to the sofa out of sight. “I’m just saying it’s possible. If he stabbed Jake Elder and in the process cut his own hand, he might have shoved the knife into the railing in order to make another explanation for his injury.”
    Jane had pulled herself together. “Even so, and putting aside my own impression of Butch, why would he kill Jake? Jake

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