Shock Wave

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Book: Shock Wave by John Sandford Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Sandford
goes into the lake, and if you fouled up the lake . . . there goes the reason for the town.”
    The stout man said, “They’re talking about a little gasoline, a little oil. Probably leak more gas and oil into the lake from the marinas than you’d ever get off that parking lot.”
    “You’re not buying the pollution, huh?” Virgil asked.
    The stout man shrugged. “I’m not saying yes, I’m not saying no. I’m just saying, that parking lot is probably a half mile from the river. I don’t see how that could equal all the trucks backing down into the lake to dump off boats, and the boats starting up. . . . I’m just sayin’.”
    “He sure is a little fat guy,” the woman said, looking at Pye.
    The stout man asked Virgil, “How do you know it’s not just somebody who follows him around, and tries to kill him? Tried in Michigan, set off the bomb here, sucked him in, and then went for him again this morning?”
    “Well, for one thing, the explosive came from a quarry up around Cold Spring,” Virgil said.
    The stout man’s eyebrows went up. “Okay, give me the pointy hat. I’ll go sit in the corner.”
    “No, no. I think you asked an interesting question,” the woman said to the stout man. “It’s something to think about. Is the bomber person trying to stop this store? Or trying to stop Pye?”
    “Bomber person,” Virgil said with a smile. “You think it might be a woman?”
    “Why not?” she asked. “I’ve got a degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue. I could go down in my workshop and build a bomb in about fifteen minutes, if I had the explosive.”
    “Don’t let me catch you in a quarry,” Virgil said.
    The stout man asked, “You take a close look at postal workers? They’re supposed to be crazier than an outhouse mouse.”
    The mailman said, “That’s real funny.” And to Virgil: “What’s your profiler say about this guy? Age, socioeconomic status, all that?”
    “I wish you hadn’t asked that,” Virgil said. “We’re trying to keep that a little close to the vest, for a while.”
    “Why? The bomber knows who he is, so it won’t be anything new to him,” the mailman said. “If you put out a profile, maybe you’d get some ideas from the people who live here.”
    “I’ll think about that,” Virgil said. He nodded at the three of them, and drifted away, looking at the crowd, and eventually made his way back through the crime-scene tape to Barlow.
    “LISTEN,” VIRGIL SAID. “You got a profiler I could talk to? Somebody who could give me some idea of what I might be looking for? Age, socioeconomic status, and all that?”
    Barlow shook his head. “We don’t do that so much. We found out most profiles are ninety percent bullshit. If you just look at what this guy’s done, and where he’s done it, you’ll get a better idea than anything you’ll get from some shrink.”
    “Really,” Barlow said.
    “Okay. Then I’m gonna take off, I got more people to talk to,” Virgil said. “Call me if you find anything.”
    “Will do,” Barlow said.
    VIRGIL STOPPED AT A SUPERAMERICA, bought the Star Tribune , the Butternut Falls Clarion Call , and a Diet Coke, then sat in the convenience store parking lot and read the papers’ stories on the store bombing. Pye had announced a two-million-dollar gift to the dead man’s family, more money to the injured man, and reiterated his million-dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the bomber. Virgil was identified as “one of the BCA’s top investigators.”
    Virgil was uncertain how the reward would work. If he (Virgil) spoke to two hundred people in town, and from among that information fished out the strands of an identification, would all two hundred of them wind up suing Pye—or somebody—for a piece of the million-dollar action? Seemed like a truck load of trouble coming down the road.
    But, that was Pye’s problem.
    HE TOSSED THE PAPERS over the seat

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