The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind

Free The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind by Fuyumi Ono

Book: The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind by Fuyumi Ono Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fuyumi Ono
more recently the appointment of the Chousai simply followed established tradition.
    Youko was never sure of how to deal with the magisterial-looking Chousai.
    "I beg your pardon, Highness," said Seikyou, prostrating himself before the throne.
    "What is it?"
    "The matter of workforce management, if you please."
    This again, Youko said to herself, biting her lip. Keiki wasn't available to assist her as her chief advisor during the afternoon executive sessions on governmental affairs. He had to attend to his duties as lord of Ei Province. And when Keiki wasn't around, Youko was at a loss when it came to even the basic workings of government. That was probably why Seikyou always showed up in the afternoon.
    The realm had fallen to ruin due to the previous empress's mismanagement, the ongoing calamities, strife and youma rampages. Simply getting things back to normal was going to require a massive amount of civil engineering.
    Over the past several days, the discussions in the Privy Council had centered around this matter. The question of where the work should begin and according to what criteria laborers should be recruited and deployed was still up in the air.
    Youko gathered that the council members had more or less divided into factions. The biggest faction was led by Seikyou. The proposals of his faction were completely at odds with those of the opposing faction. He insisted that, until the spring, flood control measures should be emphasized. The opposing faction insisted that in order for the most people survive the winter, the rebuilding of the cities should be paramount.
    Only this morning, Seikyou had again repeated his position before the Privy Council, and now he had come on bended knee to assess her disposition on the subject.
    "How is Your Highness resolved as to the matter?"
    Youko was momentarily at a loss as how to answer. Both flood control and urban reconstruction were equally important. But which one should be given priority? Kei was not wealthy enough to take on both simultaneously. This was the decision she had been left to unsuccessfully wrestle with.
    Moreover, in either case, she was completely incapable of fathoming which flood control measures and urban renewal programs were at issue. She'd read the reports prepared by the Summer Ministry, but she had no idea where these places were, what kind of places they were, or the nature of the relief required.
    "I'm sorry, but I really don't know."
    She spoke in a muted voice. Admitting her ignorance really grated.
    Seikyou sighed to himself. "Your Highness, this is a decision that you must make."
    "I'm sorry."
    "I am aware that your Highness comes to us from Yamato. However, I trust that by now you have come to some understanding of the situation."
    "I am educating myself, but my understanding is incomplete. I am sorry."
    "At this point, we need only determine which of these programs shall be given priority."
    "I'll talk it over with Keiki and come to a decision."
    Seikyou again sighed deeply. "Forgive my forwardness, Your Highness. But is it your intent that the Taiho rule in your stead? The Taiho's first thoughts are always on the alleviation of the people's suffering. Given control of everything, the Taiho will always act out of pity, even to the ruin of the kingdom."
    "I know." To a kirin, the suffering of the people took priority over everything else. "But I truly haven't come to a decision."
    Seikyou briefly bowed his head. When he raised his head the look on his face was either that of scorn or discouragement. In any case, she knew that he was getting fed up with her. He said, and there was exasperation in his voice, "I am aware that I am being presumptuous, but could I perhaps request that you delegate the matter to one of your subordinates?"
    When it came right down to it, time was of the essence and Youko had no choice but to agree. She said, "Sure. Fine. It's all your responsibility, Chousai."
    Seikyou bowed low.

    Youko watched Seikyou leave and

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