You’re safe.”
    After he vacated the suite, she stayed right where he’d left her. He’d calmed her considerably; she had nothing to fear . . . so why was she trembling?
    Pulling up the collar of his coat, Daniel stepped out onto the deck. With the sky barely tinted the peculiar shade of predawn lavender and nary a star left in sight, the ocean formed a vast menacing shadow all about the small vessel. Waves that just yesterday seemed friendly swells now pitched and rolled the Opportunity in a show of might.
    Huge coils of rope and bundles of thick white canvas abounded on the deck. Two older men stood by the captain. One gestured grandly while the other bellowed at him in such a thick accent that Daniel couldn’t understand most of what he shouted. Then again, the words didn’t much matter. Clearly, the captain had ordered sails to be hoisted.
    A well-attired passenger strode into sight. Heading for the captain, he stomped directly over one sail, then on top of another. “I hold you responsible for this!”
    One of the old men swung about. “Get yer boots offa my 81 sails, else I’ll—”
    “Mr. Fogarty.” The captain rapped out the name, and the sailor went silent. Not budging an inch, the captain then turned his attention on the passenger. “Mr. Haxton, until repairs are completed, we’ll continue on the voyage under sail.”
    Huffing like a bull, Haxton didn’t move. “Time is money.”
    “True.” Daniel sauntered out just a few feet. “Good thing we won’t be completely dead in the water. Captain, you’re to be commended for striking sail so rapidly.” He turned and served Haxton a jolly slap on the shoulder. “Haven’t had my coffee yet, so you just might beat me in a game of cribbage.”
    Engaged in the game, Daniel missed his morning glimpse of Arthur. By midmorning, he sat in a deck chair and awaited his son’s stroll. Right on schedule, Miss Fairweather came into sight. Head turned and slanted downward, she was paying close attention to Arthur’s gleeful babble.
    As she dropped Arthur off to play with Daniel, Mr. Haxton gave Miss Fairweather an assessing look. “With the ship delayed as it is, my wife and our maid and nanny are distraught. I should have thought of it sooner, having your nanny watch my child, too.”
    Daniel bristled at the man’s rudeness. “Miss Fairweather has been hired to watch but one child. Staying busy with your children is undoubtedly the best cure for your wife and nanny’s anxiety.”
    “You let the nanny rule your home?”
    Daniel gave Haxton a cold look. “The Lord is the head of my home. As a man of honor, I set forth a contract that was fair and reasonable for both parties. I’ll not go back on my word.” Daniel didn’t want Haxton ogling Miss Fairweather or making any further comments. He gave Arthur a big hug. “Back to Nanny now, son. Be a good boy and have a happy afternoon.”
    The day dragged on interminably. Daniel returned to the suite only to dress for supper, then for bed. By then, the parlor was silent. The “balls” Nanny had made by stuffing portions of his socks with beans each now boasted decorative zigzags of white and red yarn. Though Arthur’s toy box contained much finer playthings, Daniel knew his son would gladly ignore everything else in favor of the nanny’s creations. Straightening up, Daniel noticed the minuscule line of light glowing from beneath the nursery door. Pitching his voice so it would carry, he asked, “My son?”
    “Sleeping, sir.”
    “Very well.” At least he hadn’t frightened Miss Fairweather this time.
    Retiring to his bedchamber, Daniel planned out the sliver of time he’d be in New York. Such a cosmopolitan city would have several suitable nanny candidates. He took a list from his pocket and set it on the bedside table. Throughout the day, he’d jotted down pertinent requirements and concerns. Organization would narrow down his prospects and permit him to hire the right woman in short order. A

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