Kiss of Death (The Briar Creek Vampires, #1) by Jayme Morse & Jody Morse

Free Kiss of Death (The Briar Creek Vampires, #1) by Jayme Morse & Jody Morse by Jayme Morse

Book: Kiss of Death (The Briar Creek Vampires, #1) by Jayme Morse & Jody Morse by Jayme Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayme Morse
people had lined up.
“Over there!” He pointed. “Those mirrors change what you look
    Grabbing Lexi’s hand, Dan pulled her into the
dark tunnel with him.
    Again, Lexi found herself staring at her
reflection – fat, skinny, tall, short. For some reason, it freaked
her out.
    Glancing into the mirror that Dan stood in
front of, she saw that his reflection was, once again, missing.
Looking behind her, she realized that not only was Dan’s reflection
missing, but he was missing as well.
    “Dan!” Lexi called out. She heard a voice
answer her, and whirled around in the direction it was coming from.
She ran past the mirrors upon mirrors of her distorted image, each
staring back at her menacingly.
    “Lexi,” someone whispered a few paces in
front of her.
    Frightened, she stopped dead in her tracks.
Sliding on the muddy ground, she fell onto her butt. Scooting
backwards, away from the voice, she felt something sharp pierce
through her hand. It had rained the day before, but she was pretty
sure that the wetness she felt on the ground was the blood that was
rushing from her fresh wound.
    Getting up, she squinted through the darkness
for Dan and called out his name.
    “Lexi,” the voice whispered again, closer
this time. She spun around. Her heart pounded loudly in her head,
making her dizzy.
    A hand grabbed her by the shoulder and
slammed her into one of the mirrors, breaking it into pieces and
producing a new wound on her forehead. Lexi moaned in pain.
    Strong hands gripped her neck, their sharp
nails cutting deep into her skin like razor blades. Picking her up
by her neck, the person pinned her high against a mirror. Lexi
flailed her legs and clawed at the person. In response, the person
pulled her away from the mirror and slammed her back into it, hard.
Black fuzzy spots danced across her vision. Dragging a sharp blade
against her skin, the person lightly kissed her. Lexi shuddered and
weakly called for Dan again.
    She realized that her calls were going
unheard and if she didn’t do something soon, she wouldn’t make
    Lexi felt herself getting weaker, as the
blood rushed out of her body, and dripped down her eyebrow. Crimson
tears clouded her vision, and her body slumped into the person’s
    She lightly pushed at the person, trying to
free herself. Lexi felt herself growing weaker, as the blood flowed
out of her body.
    Lexi finally gave up, closing her eyes, and
allowing herself to succumb into the darkness.
    “Where’s Lexi?” Julie asked impatiently. “Did
you finish the game without us?”
    “Uh, I think she went to the bathroom,” Dan
answered, glancing over his shoulder. “She ran out on me in the
House of Mirrors. And no, the game is still going.”
    “We made a deal with you, Dan,” Dave said.
“You agreed that you would not expose her to this environment
without one of us present. She is an alien to this town. She
doesn’t know a single soul except for yourself and Gabriel, and we
know we can trust him about as far as we can throw him.”
    “I don’t really care who she’s around,” Julie
said impatiently. “I just want to finish the game. It’s going to be
so much fun!”
    “Well, I care whose presence she is in. We
made a promise to her aunt and uncle. So, go find her, Daniel,”
Dave said bossily.
    “Calm down both of you. No one is going to
get your prize, Julie. I’ll go look for her.” Dan said,
    “Alright. Well, go find her and then meet us
back here so we can grab some food,” Julie said.
    As Dan went back into the House of Mirrors to
find Lexi, he spotted Gabriel kneeling over a picnic table outside
the entrance. Looking closer, he realized that he was pressing
himself against a blonde girl with red highlights, sucking her
neck. Her back was facing Dan, so he couldn’t really tell if she
was hot or not. Leave it to Gabe to find a slut at the carnival,”
Dan muttered under his breath. As much as Dan hated to admit it,
Gabe obviously had no

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