The Lamb Who Cried Wolf

Free The Lamb Who Cried Wolf by Scarlet Hyacinth

Book: The Lamb Who Cried Wolf by Scarlet Hyacinth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth
Tags: Romance, Romance MM, erotic MM
of the room, he and Carson would be able to leave the pack grounds without being detected.
    Carson sighed, having obviously caught onto his musings. “ Brody, come to bed ,” he said. “ You can’t get us out .” He continued to speak through their connection, “ Perhaps tonight we’ll have more luck.
    Their vigilance might lower.”
    Brody didn’t say anything else. His mate had a point, and trying to escape now would indeed be futile. Brody sat down on the bed and wrapped his arm around Carson. “I really messed up, didn’t I?”

    The Lamb Who Cried Wolf
    “Don’t say that,” Carson answered. “You couldn’t have known your brother would react like he did.”
    “I should have known.” Brody sighed. “I just thought wolves valued mates more than they did their prejudice. I suppose I was wrong.”
    He didn’t know how much time passed while they just sat there, hugging. They didn’t touch each other sexually—it was not the time, or the place. Even if they were alone in the room, the guards outside would hear and feel anything.
    Still, it couldn’t have been much later when Brody sensed a familiar presence approach. Brody tensed and broke away from Carson. “Who is it?” his mate asked.
    Brody sighed, once more cursing himself for putting Carson into this position. “My father. Just stick behind me, little lamb. His problem is going to be with me.”
    Or so he hoped. A few moments later, the door opened and his father walked in. The older wolf looked just like Brody remembered him. In many ways, he was an older version of Brody and Soren, his black hair having gone gray and the occasional line creasing his face.
    However, even with that, he still seemed as alert and strong as ever.
    No one would ever dare to challenge Elder Kevin Wade for his position.
    He sensed Carson’s disbelief as his mate realized just how traditional and important Brody’s family was. Brody wished he’d had the time to explain it to Carson, but then again, he wished for many things, and none of them seemed to have any chance of coming true.
    “Greetings, my son,” his father said formally. “I hear you’ve gotten yourself in quite a distasteful situation.”
    “Hello, Father,” Brody answered. “I suppose it depends on what you would consider distasteful. Personally, I’m not very fond of the way my brother has treated my mate.”

    Scarlet Hyacinth
    His father ignored the comment. “The problem with this lamb of yours is very upsetting. Your brother thinks we should just leave you alone, but I disagree.”
    Brody’s heart fell. If his father chose to be stubborn in this, he could very well ruin their lives. It was the second reason why he’d remained close-by and not fled when he had the chance. It would have made them fugitives from wolf shape-shifters. Unfortunately, their kind was spread out all over the world, even in tropical lands not native to actual wolves. So unless people suddenly decided to have a colony on Mars, there would be nowhere for them to hide.
    “So what do you suggest, Father?” he asked. “We merely want to be left alone.”
    “I’m afraid that’s not possible.” The older wolf frowned. “You must understand, son, this mating you insist upon cannot be. He is your prey. That’s the normal course of nature, and it cannot be disrupted.”
    Soren entered the room, followed by a group of soldiers. The situation didn’t look very promising. “I will kill you if you touch him.” Brody growled.
    His father let out an exasperated sigh. “You do realize there is nothing you can do if I should choose to slay the lamb, don’t you? By rights, it is what I should do. However, your brother pointed out a certain injustice inflicted upon you. Therefore, I have decided to spare your lamb, on one condition.”
    Brody was torn between relief and anxiety. “What condition?”
    His father nodded, and the soldiers parted to allow a pretty bitch to enter the room. She didn’t speak or

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