Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2)

Free Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2) by Peggy Ann Craig

Book: Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2) by Peggy Ann Craig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy Ann Craig
attraction.  However, she did have her pride.
    “Actually, I would like to go back to the bar.”
    He frowned.  “Why?  It’s not open, nobody will be there.”
    “Exactly.”  She purposely put a sparkle in her eye.
    The evening had been on the enjoyable side.  Apart from this last scene, he made no improper moves on her.  Or proper, as she was anticipating.  She would have believed she was actually falling in love with the guy if she believed in that kind of fairytale.  He was acting like a true gentleman.  But there was something about him that just wasn’t adding up.
    They pulled up in front of the bar fifteen minutes later and Sonya stood back and waited while he unlocked the door.  He entered the building before her, throwing the overhead light on, then stepped back and allowed her to proceed.  The place was silent.  Reminding her of her job interview when she sat at one of the tables with Tristan across from her.
    He leaned back against one of the walls and watched her with lazy eyes.  Lord, they were still quite sexy.  She smiled and turned to look at him.  He pushed himself off the wall then sauntered toward her, coming to a stop just a foot in front of her but refrained from making any physical contact.  Still, he was close enough she could feel his breath.
    “Mmm?”  He stared down at her, his eyes scanning her features.
    “I want to audition.”
    “For what?”  Her hair blew gently as he stepped closer.  Still without touching.
    “Your stage.  I want to perform on your stage.”
    He remained expressionless, but he did take a noticeable step back.  “How?”
    “How?”  Puzzled by the question, she nevertheless ventured to say, “Sing.  I want to sing on your stage.  Just give me a chance and I’ll prove I’m worth it.”
    Tristan studied her face before asking, “How long have you been wanting this?”
    She bit her lip.  “You didn’t think I had my sights on waitressing for a career, did you?  Come on, let me perform for you right now and if you don’t like what you hear, I’ll never ask again.”
    Sighing, he pulled out a chair and dropped down into it.  “Fine.  One song.  Let’s hear it.”
    She grinned, then turned and jumped up onto the stage.  None of the microphones or equipment were set up, but she wanted the feel of performing on stage.  Then clearing her throat and sweeping a curtain of hair over her shoulder, she embarked on the lyrics of a well-known song she long ago practiced and memorized.  Without the single aid of a musical instrument, she belted out the song and hit every cord and note until at last she sang the last lyric.
    When she was done she looked down at Tristan and nervously examined his face for a reaction.  She felt she gave him a good performance.  She was quite pleased with her rendition of the song and was relieved when Tristan stood up and nodded.
    “Not bad,” he said.  “Actually, pretty good.”
    “You sound surprised.”  She smirked.  “I wouldn’t have wasted your time if I thought otherwise.”
    He actually produced a genuine grin.  “All right.  One night a week.  Monday.  I’ll leave the busier nights for the house band.”
    If it would not have looked unprofessional, Sonya would have jumped up and down with joy.  Instead, she replied, “You won’t regret it.”
    “Why do I feel like I already do?”  This time he offered her a full smile.  “Do you always get what you want?”
    She stared down at him.  He looked absolutely gorgeous but unattainable in the dim lighting.  With a little sigh, she admitted, “No.”
    His brows arched.  “Why else would you have taken this job?  You said yourself, waitressing wasn’t in your career goals.”
    Sonya chuckled.  “Is it for anyone?  Especially in an establishment such as this.  It can be one hell of a dangerous game if not careful.”
    “Dangerous?” he asked softly, implying she had a double meaning.
    “Come on,

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