Sacred Bloodlines

Free Sacred Bloodlines by Wendy Owens

Book: Sacred Bloodlines by Wendy Owens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Owens
Tags: Fiction, Coming of Age
grounds.  Gabe listened, his head swirling with all of the information.  
    A day ago he was safe, miserable and unhappy, but safe.  Now, horrors worse than he could have ever imagined wanted him dead.  
    “Quiet,” Michael bellowed raising his hand and again a hush fell over the room.  Even in his fear, Gabe couldn’t help but be impressed by the respect Michael commanded.  “The safest place for Gabe to be is among us.  Who better to protect him?”  Michael looked down at the ground for a moment, a solemn look on his face.
    “My brothers,” Michael continued.  “I am not concerned about being discovered.  We are well hidden and I have faith in our clerics.  What I do fear, however, is who I believe is leading the charge.”  Michael looked up and around the room.  “The Oracle asked to speak with me earlier.  I have spent some time with her today.  I fear the news is not good.”
    “Tell us Michael, what did she say?” A silvered haired man in the corner requested respectfully.
    “Yes, Michael, tell us.” A younger man across from him parroted.
    Michael’s face grew quite grim and in a somber voice he said, “It’s Mammon.”  Just those two words resulted in shrieks and gasps.  Gabe thought back to the book he had been reading earlier.  The name was familiar but Gabe could not place it.  He wished now he had brought the book with him so could look up this villain who had a man as great as Michael concerned.
    “I know, I know,” Michael said raising his hands again.  “Please, everyone calm down.  I know it’s frightening but this is no time to panic.  Mammon’s minions are about a two day’s hike from the manor, but even with their proximity there is no indication they have been able to penetrate the incantations.”  
    Gabe watched the men as Michael spoke.  When he looked back at him, he realized Michael was staring at where he was perched behind the door.  
    Gabe feared Michael knew of his presence.  He thought he should try and sneak away before being caught, then Michael continued speaking.  Gabe couldn’t resist the urge to stay and see what else might be revealed.  
    “If I am correct and they don’t know where we are, time is all they need.  We must prepare.  We need to make sure each of the students are aware of what’s coming.”
    “What of Gabe?” one of the men asked.
    Michael looked at the men; they were nodding, anxious of what the plans were for the newest arrival.  
    “Why don’t we ask him?” With those words, Michael motioned to the door and the men once again erupted.  
    “Gabe, won’t you join us?” Michael said raising his voice above the chattering room.
    Gabe froze.  He debated if he should turn and run.  He could act like he hadn’t heard anything, like he had never been there.  Clearly Michael knew of his presence.  He decided he would feel like a fool running at this point.  
    Taking a deep breath, Gabe stood and stepped into the room, every eye closing in on him in an instant.  At first a silence fell over the room as the men watched him.  Though a few steps in, Gabe began to hear whispers around the room.  As he came to stand in the middle of the room, he was enveloped by the mutterings of the men and He felt his legs grow weak.
    “Gabe.  Please, come.” Michael said, extending his arm.  Gabe approached, with his head bowed and eyes on the floor.  Michael reached out, wrapping his arm around Gabe’s shoulder.  He pulled him in to stand next to him.  
    “Gabe here has had quite an eventful first day with us.”  Michael said addressing the room of gentlemen; a few responded with a nervous laugh.
    “Gabe,” Michael said as he motioned around the room.  Gabe made an effort to count how many people were in the room.  With all eyes fixed on him, he had trouble concentrating.  He did notice that two women were present.  “I would like you to meet the Elders of The Guardians.”  Gabe smiled and nodded in polite

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