Jackal (Regency Refuge 2)
accident, too. After that, I made it my goal in life to get at least one smile out of him each day we were stuck at Castle Felton together."
    The duchess had to be close to her own age, but she brought to mind the spirited antics of Eleanor's youth. Grace wasn't anything like Juliana had expected a dignified lady of the ton to be.
    "I thought the blank stare meant he was angry with me." Juliana hadn't intended to give voice to the words. When she heard the sudden intake of breath behind her, she resisted the duchess' pull on her arms and looked back at Rupert. His face hadn't changed, other than a slight tightening around his lips, but his eyes showed something different. I hurt him. The duchess pulled her through the door and into the foyer before Juliana could decipher how she felt about Rupert's reaction.
    Later, as night swaddled their temporary home in its warmth and comfort, Juliana saw to it that Mrs. Burnham was settled into her room and that Eleanor and Eudora were comfortable. They were all so weary from the journey to London she doubted anyone would have difficulty sleeping.
    Before retiring to her own chamber, she went down to the library in search of a book. She didn't know what she hoped to find, but anything to distract her from memories of the pained look she'd seen in Rupert's eyes that afternoon, or the potent look they'd housed the evening before, would be welcome. Juliana took a deep breath as she stepped into the library… and was confronted with the sight of the selfsame person consuming her thoughts.
    "Juliana." His voice cordial, he stood as she entered the room.
    "Oh." Surprise caught in her throat. She began to back out over the threshold. "I'm sure you're busy."
    "Not at all." He regained his seat in a chair by the window. Little more than inky blackness greeted him from outside. There couldn't be much for him to watch through the panes of glass.
    "Are you reading?" No candle sat on the table near his elbow, and she didn't think he could be enjoying a book, but what else is a person supposed to say upon stumbling across someone in a library?
    His voice was as emotionless as his face appeared to be in the dim light from the fireplace. "I was contemplating the birds in the garden and worrying about whether or not I will have the funds to provide the season you want for your sisters. And… trying to decide if a season is what's best for them. Haven't they been through enough upheaval of late? Perhaps another year without the pressure of finding a match would serve them both well."
    "I – I want them wed as quickly as possible."
    "Because you believe it's best for them or because you wish to circumvent the betrothal contracts?"
    Juliana stood inside the entrance to the library, her hands clasped in front of her. She didn't know what to say. This Rupert was different than the one she had gotten used to at Castle Felton and during their long journey to London. He was almost… gloomy. "If I knew for certain the betrothal contracts could be invalidated, I would not push for the season."
    Rupert rose again and moved stiffly across the room until he stood before one of the many shelves of books. He perused the titles, every so often taking one out to get a closer look, then sliding it back into place. Apparently finding one he liked, he pivoted to face Juliana but made no other move toward her. "I've not been angry with you, you know."
    Chagrined, she said, "That slipped out of my mouth before I was able to stop it. I'm sorry you heard it. At times, though, you do seem as if you dislike my presence."
    "I may not display emotions as flagrantly as some, but that doesn't mean I don't have them."
    Juliana tilted her head to the side the slightest bit as she inquired, "Have you always been unaffected?"
    Leaning on his cane more than she was accustomed to seeing, Rupert moved toward her. "I am not as unaffected as you would choose to believe. However, to answer your question, I was trained from a young age

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