Game of Thrones and Philosophy

Free Game of Thrones and Philosophy by William Irwin Henry Jacoby

Book: Game of Thrones and Philosophy by William Irwin Henry Jacoby Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Irwin Henry Jacoby
    Baratheon, Myrcella
    Baratheon, Renly
    chivalry and
    just war theory and
    problem of evil and
    Baratheon, Robert (King)
    game theory and
    happiness and
    idealism and
    insanity and
    just war theory and
    lying and
    power and
    problem of evil and
    social contract theory and
    Baratheon, Shireen
    Baratheon, Stannis
    moral luck and
    problem of evil and
    Baratheon, Steffon
    Baratheon, Tommen
    Beauvoir, Simone de
    being, doing vs .
    “best possible world”
    biomedical ethics
    on abortion
    burdensomeness and
    mercy killing and
    Blake, William
    Bolton, Ramsay
    Bolton, Roose
    Bracken, Jonos
    Brienne of Tarth
    chivalry and
    gender and purpose
    insanity and
    problem of evil and
    Brock, Dan
    fighting without honor
    game theory and
    burdensomeness, biomedical ethics and
    Campbell, A. G. M.
    cannibalism, cultural relativism and
    Carson, Thomas
    Cassel, Rodrick
    categorical imperative, moral luck and
    causation, magic. See magic, causation
    egoism and virtue ethics
    fatalism and
    martial arts and
    moral luck and
    Charles I (King of England)
    Charles II (King of England)
    Children of the Forest
    biomedical ethics and
    magic and
    problem of evil and
    Chisholm, Roderick
    gender roles and
    idealization of
    as misguided
    vulnerability and
    circumstantial luck
    Clegane, Gregor (“the Mountain”)
    chivalry and
    insanity and
    just war theory and
    lying and
    metaphysics and
    social contract theory and
    Clegane, Sandor (“the Hound”)
    chivalry and
    metaphysics and
    problem of evil and
    virtue ethics and
    commitment, lying and
    animals and
    biomedical ethics and
    metaphysics and
    wargs and
    lying and
    virtue ethics and egoism
    insanity and
    moral luck and
    cost- versus -gain ratio, just war theory and
    crime, insanity as
    cultural relativism
    diversity of ethical codes in
    moral relativism and
    violence and
    Damphair, Aeron
    Darry, Lord
    deception, lying and
    “Decisions Near the End of Life” (American Medical Association)
    Declaration of Independence
    Denys, Lord
    dependency, power and
    Derby City Hospital (England)
    Descartes, René
    Desmond, Ser
    Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (Hume)
    magic and
    metaphysics and
    subjectivity and
    See also individual names of direwolves
    Discourses (Machiavelli)
    epistemology and
    problem of evil and
    doing, being vs .
    cultural relativism and
    fears and customs
    Horse God
    just war theory and
    See also Drogo, Khal; Targaryen, Daenerys (“Dany”)
    Down’s Syndrome, biomedical ethics and
    dragons, magic and
    Drogo, Khal
    biomedical ethics and
    cultural relativism and
    fatalism and
    idealism and
    just war theory and
    lying and
    morality and
    power and
    social contract theory and
    Drowned God of the Ironmen
    Duff, Raymond S.
    Duur, Mirri Maz
    biomedical ethics and
    insanity and
    lying and
    magic and
    egoism, virtue ethics and
    English Civil War
    dogma and
    epistemic humility
    epistemic trust
    justification and
    justified true belief and
    reliabilism and
    study of
    essentialism, fatalism and
    euthanasia, passive vs . active
    evidence, problem of evil and
    See also problem of evil
    fairness, game theory and
    Faith of the Seven
    authenticity and
    essentialism and
    freedom and
    justice and
    metaphysical fatalism
    logic and
    power and
    Feehan, Thomas
    feminist philosophy, on chivalry. See also chivalry
    Flowers, Jafer
    Forel, Syrio
    chivalry and
    mind like water
    self-discovery and
    Zen seeing
    Foucault, Michel
    freedom, fatalism and
    free will
    free will defense. See problem of evil
    Frey, Lord Walder
    power and
    self-interest and
    Game of Thrones, A . See Martin, George R. R.; individual names of characters
    game theory
    incomplete information in
    irrationality in
    love and
    non-zero-sum games

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