Sex and the Single Vamp
his glass. “Even I didn’t think you’d sink that low.”
    “Shut up.” Deacon tamped down the urge to punch him in the face, taking another large gulp of whiskey instead. “I don’t have time for your bullshit tonight. I need information on who might be after Cici.”
    “I figured. She’s been a hot topic lately.” Antonio grimaced, his fangs showing and echoing his disgust. “And you will not like the people who’ve been talking about her.”
    This is what Deacon came to hear.
    “What have you heard?”
    “That’s she’s pissed a lot of people off with this dating agency. People who think that our kind and humans shouldn’t be together.” Antonio leaned in closer, his jaw tight as he relayed what he knew. “Assholes who think we should be locked away or preferably destroyed.”
    Antonio nodded his head. “They haven’t owned up to it, but that’s who everyone suspects.”
    “They want her dead.”
    Deacon had known it was coming. It didn’t make it any easier to hear. “How much?” he asked, his body shaking from the effort to stay in his chair. Every part of him roared for him to find this asshole and make him hurt for an eternity. His fangs descended, their sharp edges against his lips only heightening the desire to shred, tear, and destroy.
    “No price. They made it clear that no one else was allowed to kill her. This sick fuck wants to do it himself.” Antonio leaned in, his voice rough and deadly serious. “I’m in if you need me, Deacon. If it’s FAR—”
    “It’s them. I feel it in my gut.”
    “Then I’m in.”
    Deacon took a long look at Antonio, wondering what he was missing. Antonio wasn’t a joiner. He fought on the side most aligned with his own interests—especially monetary ones—but his tone said this was personal.
    “You’re not the only one who’s lost people because of assholes like them.”
    “Thanks. I appreciate the offer.”
    “She isn’t the only one they want on a platter.” Antonio narrowed his eyes, his lips twisting into a dark half smile. “Actually, it’s your head they want on that particular serving dish.”
    He wasn’t surprised. His life was full of things that people would want to avenge at some point in time. Same shit, different century.
    “Are they offering enough money to tempt you?” Deacon asked, not really sure about what the answer would be. The right price might sway Antonio.
    “No. Cheap bastards aren’t offering anything beyond bragging rights and we both know I could kick your ass any time I feel like it.”
    He had the information he needed. Deacon shifted in his seat, his gaze following Cici as she danced with Mya. She moved with the music, smiling at her friend, oblivious to the havoc her luscious body was creating around her. Human and Other alike were drawn to the fire cascade of curls and the smooth, creamy expanse of skin. Shit, she was going to cause a riot and he was going to have to kick some ass to get her out of here.
    Cici looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes flaring to life as they made contact with his. Even from this distance he could see the desire for him and her hatred for this place battling for dominance. That was fine. He’d always figured that they were headed for angry sex with all the baggage between them. He’d take it. Less chance of her getting all gooey on him if she was pissed.
    Deacon kept his eyes locked on hers, communicating clearly what he wanted. This club was an aphrodisiac of sorts and he was willing to let it take them both on a wild ride. He wasn’t a man to neglect his needs or to ignore his desires. He saw what he wanted and he took it, and when his prey was obviously so willing, his blood raced with the thrill of impending pleasure.
    He was a predator. Danger heightened his instinct and made it his sole focus. Sex was another part of the game he enjoyed playing and winning. The fates had brought Cici back into his life wrapped up in both like some

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