Zero Visibility

Free Zero Visibility by Sharon Dunn

Book: Zero Visibility by Sharon Dunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Dunn
She was going to have to let go of the branch.
    “Ready?” Nathan whispered. He lifted the flashlight, but didn’t turn it on.
    “Wait just a second until I’m standing.” She released the death grip she had on the branch and eased into a standing position. The branch bounced. She held out her arms to find her balance. She tilted her head. “Now.”
    He flashed the light on and off long enough for her to see the edge of the platform. She bent her knees and jumped. Time stood still as she held her hands out. One of her hands found the rough edge of the platform but the other slipped. Her heart seized. She was going to fall.
    Nathan’s strong arms grabbed her hand. She lost her grip on the platform. She dangled by the hand that Nathan held. Her body swung like a pendulum.
    His grip on her hand tightened. “Give me your other hand.”
    She angled back toward the platform and reached her free hand up. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up, gathering her in his arms.
    She shuddered, fighting back tears. Once again, she had nearly died, and Nathan had saved her.
    His face was very close to hers. He brushed a hand over her hair. “Not so bad, huh?”
    She couldn’t form words, only nod in agreement. He tightened his arms around her and drew her even closer. “Hey, you were pretty scared there.”
    She sniffled, but still couldn’t think of what to say. She was trembling. Only the strength of his embrace calmed her.
    His face was very close to hers. His beating heart pushed back against her palm where she rested it on his chest. She tilted her head. The rough stubble of his face brushed over her cheek. His lips found hers. At first he grazed over her mouth with his own and then pressed harder. She responded to the kiss, scooting closer to him. A calm like warm honey spread through her.
    His lips lingered on hers. He pulled away and kissed her cheek. He opened his eyes, and even in the darkness, the power of his gaze melted her to the core.
    She nodded, still not able to come up with the words, but not because she was still afraid. Nathan’s kiss had stolen her ability to use language. She had become a speechless puddle of mush.
    “Me, too.” He rested his hand under her jaw. “I’m better now.” His fingers traveled down her neck where her pulse throbbed. He studied her for a long moment. “I hope I wasn’t out of line. I’m not sure why I did that.”
    She shook her head. The kiss had been wonderful.
    He backed away. His voice lost that smoldering quality. “Maybe it’s just all this life-threatening stuff we are facing.”
    Her heart crumbled into a tiny ball. Now he was regretting the kiss. “That must be it,” she said flatly.
    He pulled away as an uncomfortable silence descended. They looked at each other then looked away.
    After a long moment, he reached over and touched her ear. “Those are nice earrings.”
    The inflection in his voice suggested that he didn’t want any awkwardness between them. He was trying to keep the conversation going. “Thanks. I got them at a garage sale right before break.” His touch sent a zing of warmth down her neck. “I get most my things secondhand, part of how I managed to pay for college on my own.”
    Noises in the distance caused both of them to sit up. She turned back toward the meadow, but couldn’t see anything. Then voices, growing louder and closer, separated out from the other forest noise.
    Merci took in a ragged breath as fear returned. “I don’t see them.”
    “I do.” Nathan placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Get low, they’re coming this way.”
    * * *
    Nathan placed a protective arm over Merci’s back as he lay flat against the hard wood of the lookout. The delight and excitement that had flooded through him from kissing Merci was replaced by a need to keep his senses tuned to his surroundings. He didn’t regret the kiss, but he feared he had been too forward with her. He’d felt the need to apologize, but it had come

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