Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy

Free Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy by Wendelin Van Draanen

Book: Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy by Wendelin Van Draanen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendelin Van Draanen
stomach to go away.
    So I probably should’ve kept on walking, only I could tell that Father Mayhew was really upset about something. So I say, “Save me a seat, Grams. I’ll be right there.”
    Father Mayhew seems happy enough to see me, but Officer Borsch takes one look at me and mutters, “Tell me this isn’t happening.”
    I decide I’m going to be nice to the guy, just to see what happens. “Good morning, Officer Borsch. How is everything?”
    He looks at me like I’m going to pull a squirt gun from behind my back, but since I just stand there smiling, he finally grunts and says, “Things have been worse.”
    I look at Father Mayhew and ask, “What’s happened? Is something else missing?”
    Officer Borsch squints a bit. “Something
    Father Mayhew closes his eyes and sighs. “My papal cross disappeared earlier this week. It was in the sacristy also. Perhaps the person who took the chalices also has my cross.” He shakes his head. “I should probably also mention that our guests, the Sisters of Mercy, have had an attempted break-in in their motor home.”
    While Officer Borsch is writing all this down, I whisper, “What else got taken?”
    Father Mayhew says, “Two Eucharistic goblets. I just can’t believe it. All these years and we’ve never had an iota of trouble. Now in less than a week we’ve had three incidents.”
    Officer Borsch looks up from his writing. “You mentioned they were gold—gold plate or solid?”
    Father Mayhew looks down. “Solid.”
    Officer Borsch lets out a low whistle. “And you never lock that room up?”
    “Only at night. We’ve kept them there for years. Years and years. As a matter of fact, they were here when I was assigned to the parish nearly twenty years ago.” His eyebrows practically knit together and his complicated eyes look sad and confused. “Please do your best to find out who has stolen these things. It’s more than their monetary or even their sentimental value. Not knowing casts a shadow on the church. A long, dark shadow.” He looks at his watch and says, “It’s time for me to go. Maybe I could speak with you more after Mass? I’ll come to the station if you’d like.”
    Officer Borsch agrees, and while Father Mayhew ducks through the side door, I head back to the front door, calling over my shoulder, “Good luck, Officer Borsch!”
    He doesn’t quite know what to say to that, so he just grunts and goes back to writing in his notebook.
    When I spot Grams at the front of the church, I go up and take my seat like a good little girl, and just as Grams is about to ask me where I’d gone, someone attacks the organ and we all practically jump through the roof.
    Now you have to understand, they don’t usually have an organist at St. Mary’s. Someone’ll strum a guitar while everyone sings “Chorus of Faith” or “Amazing Grace,” but that’s about as noisy as we get.
    So having a seat near the organ pipes has never been dangerous before, but there I was, peeling myself off the ceiling. Then I notice that behind the organ is Sister Clarice, pounding away and rocking out like Barbie Bebop.
    Then all of a sudden Bernice’s voice is booming, “When Heaven, when Heaven calls your name …” from one side of the church, and Abigail’s voice is echoing, “When Heaven, when Heaven calls your name …” from the other. And I’m smiling, because this is more awake than I’ve
been in church.
    Then Sister Bernice and Sister Abigail come swaying through the congregation and over to the organ with their hands up in the air, singing, “I said, Heaven, when Heaven calls your name … You gonna be ready? When Heaven calls your name. Let me hear you now, Heaven! When Heaven calls your name!”
    Some people are starting to clap along with the music, but most people are just whispering to each other like they can’t quite believe what’s happening in their church.
    I hear Grams say to Hudson, “Good heavens!

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