The Billionaire's Son 5 : Sweet Escape (BDSM Erotic Romance)

    The Billionaire's Son 5: Sweet Escape
    Derek clutched my hand firmly as he led me
through the near pitch-black woods towards his car. The long cape I
wore kept getting snagged on brambles, but at least it kept the
chill off my naked body. I shuddered as I thought about the insane
situation I had stumbled into and the horrific trauma I had so
narrowly escaped.
    As it was, I had just had sex with Derek in
front of a group of ghoulishly costumed men who were moments
earlier about to gang rape me. If Derek hadn't shown up and
'claimed' me, things would be much different right now.
    My head spun with confusion. What exactly
was going on at the Vaughn estate? And what was Derek's role in all
of this?
    Derek led me onward. "We're almost there.
Are you sure you're okay Julia?"
    "Yes." All things considered, I was okay.
The only thing at risk at this exact moment was my heart. It was
only hours earlier that I had vowed to permanently distance myself
from Derek to save myself from the inevitable heartbreak that came
with the realization that I was falling in love with the sexy and
carefree playboy.
    But as soon as I had heard Derek's voice,
amidst the chaos and confusion, I had felt safe. I knew he would
not let anything bad happen to me. And when he had taken me, in
front of all the watching monsters, my body had never felt so
alive. Collared and bound tightly in a rope harness, I was
displayed for all the freakish men to see. But Derek had made love
to me, gently and tenderly, and had taken me, heart and soul, to
new heights of ecstasy.
    Even now, after all I had been through, I
felt an ache of desire, which only Derek could assuage. I wanted
his strong arms wrapped around me, his warm hands running all over
my body, and most desperately of all, his cock plunging deep inside
of me - claiming me as his own.
    My steamy thoughts were interrupted. "Julia,
we're here. Why don't you rest in the car? I need to talk to Scott
for a moment. I'll be right there."
    Reluctantly, I let Derek's hand go as the
man standing by the car opened the back door; and I climbed inside.
I wrapped the cape around my body. Waiting for Derek, I tugged on
the crazy rope harness, especially trying to release my chest from
the tight wraps of rope crisscrossing my torso and highlighting and
lifting my breasts. I fumbled with it with no success for a few
minutes before giving up.
    Derek finally opened the door and slid into
the back seat with me. He took my face in his hands. "God, Julia.
You scared the hell out of me back there. What were you doing
    I fought the urge to climb onto his lap and
curl up into his arms. "I needed to pick up some papers from my
office, and then I stumbled onto that…uh, whatever that was going
    Derek looked confused. "But why are you
dressed like this? By the way, I know this is probably not the most
appropriate thing to say right now, but you look crazy sexy in that
rope thing." His eyes swept my body, settling on the gap in my
    Even as my cheeks flamed red, I felt the
flames of arousal licking between my thighs. "A lady was trying to
help me get away. She said I was in danger - then I got caught -
then the rubber suited guy made me wear this - then I was locked in
a room -"
    Derek put a finger to my lips. "Whoa. Slow
down. It's really important that you tell me everything you saw
here tonight. Tell me about the lady first."
    I took a deep breath. "I heard a loud scream
that scared me and I decided that I had been foolish to go there -
and I should leave the estate before I was discovered. I ducked
into a side room when I heard people coming. There was a tall red
headed woman all dressed in leather in there whipping some old man.
They called her Madame. She said I was in danger if I got caught -
she was trying to help me get out."
    Derek nodded. "Good. What exactly did she
say to you about the danger?"
    I tried to remember what she had said to me.
"I was so shocked and scared right then. She said I was in

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