The Married Man Sex Life Primer 2011

Free The Married Man Sex Life Primer 2011 by Athol Kay

Book: The Married Man Sex Life Primer 2011 by Athol Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Athol Kay
old male that has a useless degree and is serving coffee, it’s a no brainer what a savvy female is going to be more interested in. And by savvy I mean perky tits.
    And let’s not discount not even going to college. Plumbers, electricians, and carpenters can all make good money without even going though “higher” education. You just need to have a plan and play it out. Sometimes the “smart people” can make appalling decisions while the supposedly less smart people just have more common sense and finish strong. That's $400 to stop the leaky pipe on a Sunday for an hour’s work. Think about that.
    If you want to learn about Tulip Arranging, do it on your own time as a hobby. Don’t waste tens of thousands of dollars and years of your life educating yourself for a job that may or may not be there and pays crappy money anyway.

(4.4) Nest Management
    One of the most important things for raising children is the creation of a home. Wealth ties in directly to buying a bigger, better home, but there are also a great number of tasks involved in managing a house and keeping it well maintained.
    One aspect of home maintenance is the exterior of the house: keeping the lawn mowed, the gutters clean, and the house painted and looking generally appealing from the road.
    The second aspect of home maintenance is the internal upkeep of making sure things aren’t broken and that everything inside the house works. Dripping taps, doors that don’t close properly, drafts, broken windows, and a fridge that has no inside light are all things that can be fixed and made functional again.
    The third aspect of home maintenance is the general cleanliness of the inside of the home: carpets cleaned, floors mopped, trash removed, piles of magazines and newspapers dispensed with, laundry done and so on.
    Beyond heavy lifting needs, there’s really no reason why either husband or wife would be any better at any one of these tasks, but for the most part husbands tend towards the exterior aspects of home maintenance and wives the interior. Essentially, working productively at any of these aspects is Beta because it creates a comfortable and functional home. How the division of labor works between the husband and wife isn’t terribly important; what is important is that the end result is a pleasant home that is a good place to raise children.
    The more a husband does to maintain the home, the greater level of comfort he builds in his wife.

(4.5) Cooking
    There is a very common perception that cooking is a female skill. It is true that women do the majority of the cooking in most relationships; it’s not a feminine skill but rather a life skill. Men are usually quite happy to man the BBQ grill and cook outside for example. Plenty of well known chefs are male and don’t present as “weak men” but are aggressive competitors in their own arena. Sharp knives and high temperatures don’t equal “feminine”. I do of course lean towards “Iron Chef” rather than cake decorating as an approach though.
    By knowing how to cook, a husband lifts some of the burden of cooking off of the wife and affords her greater relaxation and comfort. Most wives assume the duty of cooking and planning meals and simply dread the endless “What’s for dinner?” questions and expectations of being fed. When a husband becomes simply another mouth to feed, he starts being viewed as a dependant by the wife. If he’s viewed as a dependant, it can trigger a sense of being his mother in her mind and that can switch off her attraction as well. By cooking with some degree of frequency, the husband creates a mindset of teamwork and mutuality in the relationship.
    The act of cooking and supplying a family with a meal feeds into a very primal set of programming. Think of a hunter returning to a tribal village with a fresh gazelle kill - he’s bringing the women food. Roasting a chicken from a supermarket may be a less

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