A Fine Romance

Free A Fine Romance by Christi Barth

Book: A Fine Romance by Christi Barth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christi Barth
took all his concentration not to rub his thumb in small circles over the top. “Let me take you on the architectural river cruise. You’ll get to see all the historic buildings and end up in Lake Michigan with a view of the city that can’t be beat.”
    “Sam, that’s perfect,” said Ivy.
    So perfect. He’d get to sit down the whole time, which was halfway to napping in his book. The tour guide would keep up a steady chatter during the whole boat ride, which meant he wouldn’t have to say a word. “I’ll pick you up at two-thirty.”
    “Oh, no. I’m not falling for that again.” Mira snatched back her hands. “Besides, I need to start learning how to get around this city on the El. I’ll meet you there.”
    Yep, a serious grudge-holder. Their fresh start was already tarnished. He hoped Ivy still gave him full credit for trying. “Fine,” Sam snapped. “Take the red line to Lake Street. Once you get off, walk two blocks to the dock at the Michigan Avenue bridge.”
    Mira inclined her head into a nod stiffer than one of his wedding cake dowels. “It’s a date.” Without waiting for a response, she broke away to greet Daphne.
    Sam waved his hands in a crisscross pattern. “Did you hear that? What the hell, Ivy? This isn’t a date. Nobody offered a date. There’s a whole set of expectations built into a date. He,” with a vicious stab of his finger in Ben’s direction, “specifically ordered me not to date Mira.”
    For the third time in less than an hour, identical looks of confusion targeted Sam. Ben threw in a bemused head tilt. “Wow. How many of your own doughnuts did you eat today? You’re jacked higher than a kid who mainlined a whole pack of Pixy Stix.”
    “It’s nothing more than a figure of speech,” Ivy soothed, with a gentle pat on his arm. “Mira has no intention of dating you, and absolutely no expectations.”
    “Good.” Although he didn’t care for how quickly Ivy ruled him out. She could do worse, right? Sam might not have fresh notches on his bedpost every week like Gib, but he knew how to treat a woman right. Did Ivy think he wasn’t good enough for her friend? Her super classy, apparently wealthy friend? Was Mira a blue-blooded snob who’d turn up her pert nose at his flour-and chocolate-covered hands?
    Well, she’d better leave her uppity attitude at home on Saturday. He’d show her such a good time she wouldn’t know what hit her. By the time they got off that boat, Mira Parrish would be head over heels with Chicago, and label Sam Lyons her new best friend. Her report back to Ivy would be filled with awe and wonder. Then all of his friends would get off his back about being nice to the new girl.
    And he could get back to worrying about his real problems: namely his mother, his sister, and how his entire life might be decided in the next two months.

Chapter Four
    Be nice . Be charming . Sam repeated the words over and over in his head as he paced the length of the ship. For some reason, Mira brought out the worst in him. Weird, since he’d always thought of himself as a pretty laid-back guy. It took a lot to ruffle his feathers. Or, for the past week, a little over a hundred pounds of smoking-hot brunette with eyes as blue as the pilot light in his oven. Maybe if he concentrated on her very agreeable looks, he could ignore whatever disagreeable things came out of her mouth.
    “Ahoy!” Mira waved at him from the dock. Sam nodded at the captain, indicating she was with him. The man helped her across the gangplank. Then Sam noticed him stare another minute at her ass as she boarded. Not that he blamed him. Mira looked adorable in tight white jeans and a bright red shirt that dipped low over her breasts. A ponytail swung back and forth out the back of a ball cap. Good thing she hadn’t worn something fancy and expensive. High heels like she’d worn the other night and the pitch of a boat didn’t go together well. He’d give her credit for dressing sensibly. Maybe

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