
Free Dominion by C.S. Friedman

Book: Dominion by C.S. Friedman Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.S. Friedman
and she braced herself to have it torn open, or sliced through, or whatever other form death might take. But death did not come. She could feel his cold breath just above the edge of her gorget, and then—unexpectedly—the touch of his lips upon her skin. Disarmingly gentle, perversely intimate. She felt more violated by that kiss than she had by all the rest of what had happened to her, and she shivered as his cold breath raised goosebumps along her neck.
    “Tell your masters that the Forest is spoken for.” He whispered the words softly into her ear, a lover’s intimacy. “Tell them that trespassers will not be received well.”
    Then he let go of her and stepped back. The vines that had been binding her twitched, stiffened, and then shattered like glass. Frozen black crystals showered down around her as she was suddenly freed from bondage. The unexpected absence of support left her unprepared, and she stumbled to her knees. For a moment it was all she could do to catch her breath, trying to absorb what had just happened. Then she looked up at him. The storm of emotion that had briefly possessed him was gone now; his gaze was as steady as a frozen lake, and equally unreadable.
    He pointed to the depths of the Forest, in the direction she had been about to run. “South is that way,” he said. And he added, “Nothing will stop you.”
    Then he turned and slipped into the shadows of the Forest, and a moment later was gone from sight.
    Faith shut her eyes and trembled. Every survival instinct in her soul warned her that that guidance of such a creature was not to be trusted. The wolves had wanted to drive her into that very same darkness, for reasons of their own; how could she be certain his motives were any different? But logic, too, had its voice. There was no point in his giving her a message for the Church if he did not expect her to deliver it, was there? If he sent her to his death he would be defeating his own purpose.
    Tell your masters the Forest is spoken for.
    She took one last look at the glimmering stream of water, then turned away from it and limped into the shadows of the deep woods, in the direction she prayed was south.
    *  *  *
    “She won’t make it out.”
    Startled, Tarrant turned to find the albino standing only a few yards behind him. Had the man been following him? If so, he might prove more dangerous than Tarrant had anticipated.
    Perversely, he discovered that the concept did not displease him. Too few things in the world gave him any real challenge these days. “It will be a test of her faith,” he responded.
    “Her Church people will come here. Your warning won’t stop them.”
    No, Tarrant thought. My warning will do exactly what it was intended to do.
    The Church would have no choice but to come here. Not immediately—perhaps not even for a generation or two—but sooner or later it must. A religion that was dedicated to bringing the fae under control could not simply sit back and watch while a human sorcerer claimed dominion over the Forest. They would come.They would come in force . It was as inevitable as the sun rising in the morning.
    “ It will be a test of their faith,” he said quietly.
    He did not expect Amoril to appreciate the irony of the situation. The man had no way to know that in another time—another life—Tarrant had been one of the founding fathers of the Church. If the priests came after him now, they would be waging war against their own Prophet.
    If they have the courage to challenge me here, in this place, then I will know my creation was worthy of me.
    “You mean to stay here?” Amoril asked. Though only one question was voiced, others echoed in its wake: Can we really leave this place? Will the Forest allow us to go? What if you are able to break free of its power and I can’t? “Is that wise?”
    That Amoril still feared the Forest so much wasa sign of weakness. Tarrant would have to break him of that if the man was to be a useful servant.

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