The Symbolon

Free The Symbolon by Delia Colvin

Book: The Symbolon by Delia Colvin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delia Colvin
Tags: paranormal romance
in about ten minutes and then have lunch. Okay?” she said with mock severity.
    “Lars?” she said.
    “Yes, ma’am!”
    “Do you have your minister’s certificate to perform the ceremony?”
    Lars nodded and fished through his laptop bag, while Camille became distracted with the placement of a heater. She turned to the worker. “Excuse me, but you aren’t going to leave that there are you?” The worker said he didn’t understand English. Camille sighed and pointed where she wanted it and then resumed her duties as the wedding coordinator.
    “All right, I want the groom, best man , and minister right here.” She pointed to a location off from the arbor that was already decorated with a mix of white roses and bougainvillea vines. Valeria noticed that the flowers were real and wondered how they had pulled that off since yesterday!
    “Do you think anyone’s going to think it’s funny that I’m just a kid and they’re calling me the best man? ” Caleb let out his joyful laugh. At that, Camille relaxed and offered a contagious giggle.
    “It’s really just family and I think you’ll do great!” She smiled at him calmly. Valeria, being the only one who could touch Caleb without being shocked by his electricity, messed her fingers through his hair and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
    “So , Lars, you’ll lead, followed by Alex. Caleb, you’ll walk out after Alex.”
    Camille continued giving instructions , and then Valeria was walking up the aisle toward Alex. She felt incredibly silly and awkward. Then she looked into his eyes. For a moment, she was actually there… their wedding day . The day they had waited 3,000 years for. Valeria heard nothing else during the rehearsal…she was certain that Alex didn’t either. They were living the dream of tomorrow. They barely heard Lars pronounce them husband and wife. A tear rolled down Valeria’s face. She could see Alex’s eyes glistening with emotion.
    Lars was still speaking when Alex took her face in his hands and , with his voice full of the emotion he felt, he said, “I love you more than life.” Then he moved his face to hers in a lingering kiss that left her knees weak.
    Anticlimactically, Lars joked, “All right, well ,” he scratched his head, as Alex and Valeria continued to kiss, “you may kiss your bride.” Hearing the snickers, Alex and Valeria looked around and then joined in on the laughter. Immediately, Camille was giving further instructions for the next day while the couple was happily lost in each other—until Lars tapped Alex on the back. “Jeremiah’s here.”
    Alex’s eyes were still intensely focused on Valeria’s and the corners of his mouth turned up in that smile , before he drew a deep breath and, at last, broke their spell.
    “Right.” He glanced toward the dock, and he narrowed his eyes slightly. “Shinsu must be coming separately.”
    “I’m sorry to tell you this, but it seems that it is just Jeremiah ,” Lars relayed. There was a momentary cloud in Alex’s eyes. Lars patted his arm. “It’ll be all right.”
    “Beautiful, come with me.” Alex took Valeria’s hand and led her to an Adirondack chair on the patio. “Jeremiah needs to clear you before you will receive an invitation from the council. He’s going to want you to give him a transference. When he sees that you have Cassandra’s memories, he will permit you to join us at the council.”
    “And then?” Valeria suddenly fe lt nervous again.
    “You don’t need to be nervous! Tonight there will be…some things that might…that are…a bit different. We’ll talk about that later. I don’t want you to be frightened. But as far as the transference, just think about the subject—which is your life as Cassandra. Focus on that. Jeremiah will take your hands and you will look into his eyes. It should take no more than five to ten seconds and it will be done.”
    Valeria gulped . “Alex, you promised me that even if they say no, we are still going to

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