Out Of Line

Free Out Of Line by Jen McLaughlin

Book: Out Of Line by Jen McLaughlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen McLaughlin
    “I’m going to lay around in my boxers and watch TV all night. Maybe drink a few beers.” He pointed at me with his coffee. “Your turn.”
    I was too busy picturing him in his boxers to fight him. “I’m going to the soup kitchen to help serve Sunday dinner.”
    He paused with his cup halfway to his lips. “Seriously?”
    “Seriously.” I took a long sip of coffee, uncomfortable with his scrutiny. “It’s important to give back to the community.”
    He set his coffee down and cupped my chin with his thumb and finger. “You’re one amazing woman. You know that, right, Ginger?”
    The nickname that had once annoyed me sent shivers through my veins now. “Not really. I’m just a college girl.”
    “Most college students are too busy partying to care about feeding the poor.”
    “I’ve gotta share what I can.” I shrugged. “It’s only right. Karma and all that.”
    He pressed his lips together, seeming to be stopping himself from saying something. “I’m going with you. I want to help.”
    “You don’t have to,” I protested, even though my whole body quickened at the thought of spending more time with him. “I’ll be fine on my own.”
    “I know you will.” He brushed his thumb over my lip. “But I want to go with you.”
    “All right,” I said breathlessly. “Wanna pick me up on the bike at six?”
    He laughed. “I created a beast with that thing, didn’t I?”
    “Yep.” I stood up, tossed out my empty coffee and grabbed my surfboard. “I’ll be waiting. Don’t be late.”

It was almost time to meet up with Finn, so I hurried down the stairs, my heart beating a little bit faster than usual. After I warned him not to be late, there was no way I could be late myself. He’d never let that slide. As I passed the last dorm in my hallway, a girl came out and grabbed my wrist. “Hey, you the one who put all those designer clothes in the communal room?”
    “Uh, no.” Well, crap. I didn’t think anyone had seen me earlier. I tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
    The girl adjusted her top. The top I had put in a box for others to take a few hours ago. “Darn. I could’ve sworn they said it was the redhead in 123.”
    Well, there went my career as a super spy. I had tried to be sneaky about it, but I couldn’t help but share some of the clothes my mom constantly sent me with the other people in my dorm. I mean, why not? I’d seen and heard how some of the students didn’t have much money for clothes…and I had too many. That’s all. “Nope. Wrong room.”
    “Oh, well, sorry. I just wanted to say thanks. I’ve always wanted a Gucci top.”
    I smiled and waved over my shoulder as I started down the hallway. “Well, if I figure out who it is, I’ll pass the message along.”
    I made a mental note to put more Gucci out next time Mom sent a care package. Most of the stuff went to the local homeless shelters, but it didn’t hurt to anonymously help my fellow classmates, did it? As I pushed through the doors to the outside, I smiled at the sight of Finn waiting for me. He leaned against a tree, looking completely at ease in his board shorts and red T-shirt. His ink stood out even more against the contrast of the red. When I approached him, he cocked a brow.
    “ I’m on time.”
    “So am I. Look at us, being all grown up and stuff.” I patted his arm. Hot damn, his arm was hard. And huge. “You ready?”
    He fell into step beside me, like he always did. I wished I was bold enough to grab his hand again, but he’d clearly told me he didn’t want anything to do with me, romance-wise. So I kept my grabby hands to myself. “Have you ever helped out at a shelter before?”
    “No.” He stole a quick look at me. “That’s probably pretty crappy of me, huh?”
    I shook my head. “Nah.”
    “Why do you do it?”
    “Why not?” I stopped at his motorcycle. As I watched, he climbed on and

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