The Oxford dictionary of modern quotations
    We had better wait and see.
    Hansard 3 Mar. 1910, col. 972 (expression used in various forms when
    answering questions on the Finance Bill)
    Happily there seems to be no reason why we should be anything more than
    spectators [of the approaching war].
    Letters to Venetia Stanley (1982) 24 July 1914
    Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.
    In Observer 15 Apr. 1923
    [The War Office kept three sets of figures:] one to mislead the public,
    another to mislead the Cabinet, and the third to mislead itself.
    In Alistair Horne Price of Glory (1962) ch. 2
    We shall never sheath the sword which we have not lightly drawn until
    Belgium recovers in full measure all and more than all that she has
    sacrificed, until France is adequately secured against the menace of
    aggression, until the rights of the smaller nationalities of Europe are
    placed upon an unassailable foundation, and until the military domination
    of Prussia is wholly and finally destroyed.
    Speech at the Guildhall, 9 Nov. 1914, in The Times 10 Nov. 1914
    It is fitting that we should have buried the Unknown Prime Minister [Bonar
    Law] by the side of the Unknown Soldier.
    In Robert Blake The Unknown Prime Minister (1955) p. 531
    1.61 Margot Asquith (Countess of Oxford and Asquith) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    It [10 Downing Street] is an inconvenient house with three poor
    staircases, and after living there a few weeks I made up my mind that
    owing to the impossibility of circulation I could only entertain my
    Liberal friends at dinner or at garden parties.
    Autobiography (1922) vol. 2, ch. 5
    Ettie [Lady Desborough] is an ox: she will be made into Bovril when she
    In Jeanne Mackenzie Children of the Souls (1986) ch. 4
    Jean Harlow kept calling Margot Asquith by her first name, or kept trying
    to: she pronounced it Margot. Finally Margot set her right. "No, no,
    Jean. The t is silent, as in Harlow."
    T. S. Matthews Great Tom (1973) ch. 7
    The King [George V] told me he would never have died if it had not been
    for that fool Dawson of Penn.
    In letter from Mark Bonham Carter to Kenneth Rose 23 Oct. 1978, quoted in
    Kenneth Rose King George V (1983) ch. 9
    Lord Birkenhead is very clever but sometimes his brains go to his head.
    In Listener 11 June 1953 "Margot Oxford: a Personal Impression" by Lady
    Violet Bonham Carter
    She [Lady Desborough] tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake.
    In Listener 11 June 1953 "Margot Oxford: a Personal Impression" by Lady
    Violet Bonham Carter
    He [Lloyd George?] can't see a belt without hitting below it.
    In Listener 11 June 1953 "Margot Oxford: a Personal Impression" by Lady
    Violet Bonham Carter
    1.62 Raymond Asquith =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    The sun like a Bishop's bottom
    Rosy and round and hot
    Looked down upon us who shot 'em
    And down on the devils we shot.
    And the stink of the damned dead niggers
    Went up to the Lord high God
    But we stuck to our starboard triggers
    Though we yawned like dying cod.
    Letter, 4 Mar. 1900, in J. Jolliffe Raymond Asquith Life and Letters
    (1980) p. 64
    1.63 Nancy Astor (Viscountess Astor) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    One reason why I don't drink is because I wish to know when I am having a
    good time.
    In Christian Herald June 1960, p. 31
    I married beneath me, all women do.
    In Dictionary of National Biography 1961-1970 (1981) p. 43
    After a heated argument on some trivial matter Nancy...shouted, "If I were
    your wife I would put poison in your coffee!" Whereupon Winston
    [Churchill] with equal heat and sincerity answered, "And if I were your
    husband I would drink it."
    Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan Glitter and Gold (1952) ch. 7
    Jakie, is it my birthday or am I dying?
    In J. Grigg Nancy Astor

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