My Heart Laid Bear (Blue Moon Junction)

Free My Heart Laid Bear (Blue Moon Junction) by Georgette St. Clair

Book: My Heart Laid Bear (Blue Moon Junction) by Georgette St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette St. Clair
scratch. We can probably skip that class. Or we could teach it. Challenge course sounds fun, though. Cat burglars need to be able to climb. So do bear burglars.”
                  “Did she just say we were in training?” Twilight asked, looking offended.
                  “Felons are people who get caught,” Moonlight added.
                  Clover blanched.
                  “Security consultant it is,” she said to Sam. “Stop looking smug.”
                  “Oh, that’s just kind of my natural expression, because I’m very happy with myself as a person.” His grin would have melted the clothes right off a lesser woman, but she was standing firm.
                  She saw Autumn strolling from behind the coffee shop towards her, quickly tucking her cell phone into her pocket. Interesting. She hadn’t gone into the coffee shop yet.
                  “We’re all going to summer camp tomorrow,” Moonlight informed her. “And then we get to teach Mr. McCoy how to steal things. I mean, how he can stop people from stealing things.”
                  “I’m too old for summer camp,” Autumn protested with a scowl. “That’s kid stuff.”
                  “If you want to stay with Imogen and help her out around the boarding house, you can,” Clover said. “She seems to think you’re an angel. Man, are you a good actress.”
                  Autumn’s lips twitched into a humorless smile. “I like Imogen. If anyone tried to hurt her I’d throw them out a window. After I stabbed them.”
                  “That’s so…sweet.” Clover summoned up a smile, while thinking , Note to self. Stay on Autumn’s good side.
                  “See you all Monday morning,” Sam said, nodding to Clover. “Call me if you need anything.” And he turned and walked off.
                  She felt a strange pang as he walked away.  She wanted him to stay so she could keep giving him a hard time. That was why she wanted him to stay, of course. Not because she wanted him to accidentally brush up against her and send that little thrill through her body again.
    What had just happened? Had she forgiven him? Why did he have to keep sweeping in and rescuing her when she was trying really hard to hate his guts?
                  As they walked into the coffee shop, Clover asked Autumn, “Who were you talking to on the cell phone?”
                  “Really,” Clover said irritably. “So you have some mental illness issues? You just talk to a cell phone with nobody on the other end?”
                  Great. There was nothing more fun than a sulky teenager.
                  Clover moved to block Autumn as the other kids walked up to the coffee shop counter.
                  “I’m not screwing around. Give me the phone.”
                  Autumn handed it to her, and Clover checked the phone numbers.  There were half a dozen incoming calls made over the past few days – all to a blocked number.
                  “Tell me who you were calling.”
                  Autumn rolled her eyes in exasperation. “A boy I used to know.  Back in North Carolina.”
                  Autumn appeared to think for a second. “Mike,” she said finally.
                  Mike. Right. Autumn hadn’t even put any real effort into the lie.
                  “So why didn’t you want me to know about it?”
                  Autumn shrugged. “No reason. Doesn’t matter. I won’t let him call me again. You want my cell phone?”
                  “No.” Clover sighed. “I want you to have it so you can make calls if

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