Eternal Ever After
embarrassed that I had wrapped myself around him like a burrito. Then I stepped onto the roof to stand beside him.
    “What do you think?” he asked, beaming at me.
    “I think you’re insane.”
    Arie laughed. “That wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard that. Here, take my hand.” He held out his hand and I regarded it with a raised eyebrow. “Trust me,” he said in a voice filled with dazzle.
    Hesitantly, I took his hand, smiling down at our intertwined fingers. He hoisted me toward the edge of the building to show off the remarkable view from all directions.
    “ Wow! ” I said breathlessly. “This is better than the Skydeck.”
    Facing south I could see Grant Park, to the west stood the Loop, the eastern exposure granted a view of Lake Michigan, and toward the north stood the Magnificent Mile and the Chicago lake shore added to spectacular skyline. The lights of the city replaced the twinkling stars. Its manufactured pattern of light looked almost pretty. A full moon cast light on the snow, creating a reflection that illuminated the night.
    “Yeah. Wow. You’re the first person I’ve brought up here.”
    I glanced sideways at him, all my previous concerns forgotten as I stood with him admiring the spectacular view. Something about sharing this little corner of the world with him, a place he hadn’t shared with anyone else, felt intimate. The idea that he would share it with me drew me to him. “It’s stunning.” I peeked over the edge of the building. “I’m not sure about getting down, but it’s incredible. So can I consider tonight a date?”
    “Yes, you may consider this a date.”
    I suppressed a laugh. Arie and the wine gave me childlike delight at standing with him on top of the world. When he produced a boyish smile that curved his mouth I forgot the view. I turned in his arms and looked up at him. He traced a cold finger across my jaw, down my neck, and across my collarbone, barely visible above my suede coat. His touch felt dangerous and exhilarating as we stood on top the skyscraper—it made me shiver. And I wondered what forever would feel like.
    He searched my eyes, not in a human response of drawn-out anticipation before kissing someone. His hesitation seemed to gauge whether I wanted him to kiss me or if I felt fear and revulsion. I didn’t pull away and continued to meet his eyes. Slowly, he lowered his lips to brush against mine. I met his kiss tentatively at first. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck, diving into the kiss with a fierceness that surprised me. It seemed like we’d been here before, but my head hurt just thinking about it. Something about spilt coffee on my living room floor and the two of us in my kitchen.
    Arie deepened the kiss, meeting my embrace with a longing that felt like it had been building up for centuries. All the pent-up longing, waiting, released a surge that raced through my veins. I broke the kiss in breathless wonder. Arie looked down at me and I felt his muscles tense and his expression darkened.
    “Are you okay?” I asked.
    “I’m fine, but I should take you home.”
    I wondered why he suggested taking me home and at his shift in mood after kissing me. “Thank you for this,” I said, gesturing toward the view of the city skyline, “and for dinner.”
    “Anytime; but I need you to do something for me.”
    “What?” Anything?
    “I need you to forget what just happened. I took you to dinner and we were here but nothing happened. I need you to repeat that.” Arie spoke without breaking eye contact as he dazzled me.
    “Nothing happened…wait, what?”
    “That’s a good girl.”
    Arie wrapped an arm under me picking me up. My head felt fuzzy. Abruptly, he jumped over a thousand feet off the edge of the building with me cradled in his arms.
    I screamed.
    Surely this would be certain death. I saw a small indent in the sidewalk, the only indicator of our jump. Through the fog of wine, I wondered again if anyone had seen us. Arie grinned

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