Sacred Waters

Free Sacred Waters by Lydia Michaels

Book: Sacred Waters by Lydia Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lydia Michaels
    “Don’t leave. I’m sorry.” The other man approached Luke.
    Sam remained hidden in the shadows, not wanting to get in the middle of whatever argument they were having. Although she could not see their faces anymore she saw some of the tension leave Luke’s posture.
    “I’m not gonna stand there while you’re flirting with my sister. It’s misleading and you know it. You wanna play mind games with some girl, pick someone other than Sheilagh.”
    “I was just having fun with her. I wasn’t leading her on.”
    “You were, and you damn well know it. If you like her, fine, that’s a whole other argument we can have. But you and I both know she’s not your type.”
    Tristan stepped closer. In a hushed voice he said, “No, she’s not my type.”
    “Then don’t lead her on. She’s my sister. She doesn’t deserve to get her feelings hurt. She’s young.”
     “I’ll be more careful. I’m sorry. Please don’t leave.”
    Sam’s eyes were getting tired from straining in the dark. There was a sound of something rustling in the woods behind her and she wanted to get back inside. She heard gravel crunch and looked back to Luke and Tristan. What she saw took her completely by surprise.
    Tristan’s hand gripped the back of Luke’s neck while Luke’s hands wrapped in Tristan’s hair. They were kissing aggressively. They were kissing with urgency.
    Sam covered her mouth in shock. She wondered if the others knew that Luke was gay.
    If they did they didn’t necessarily know he was involved with Tristan. If that were the case surely Sheilagh would have resigned her feelings long ago. On the other hand, maybe there was nothing here except for—
    “Love you.”
    The whispered statement took away any notions that this was a one-time thing she was witnessing. They were in love. Their rugged breathing echoed through the empty lot and she noticed they were still standing very close.
    “Come on. Let’s head back in. You go first. I’ll follow in a few.”
    So they were still in the closet with the others. Luke walked back into the bar and a few minutes later Tristan followed.
    There was still some crunching going on in the woods so Sam didn’t waste any more time following the two lovers. She just hoped they didn’t realize she’d been watching their interlude.
    * * * *
    Colin noticed Sam return to her seat at the bar and decided to join her. He slid onto the stool beside her and asked Kelly to get him a Coke. When she turned she expelled a breath of surprise. He mentally frowned that she was still uncomfortable around him.
    Perhaps it wasn’t that they walked in on each other. Perhaps it was the priest thing. Some people weren’t always sure how to act in front of him. Knowing a priest outside of church was sometimes like seeing a teacher at the grocery store. It just seemed wrong to admit they were normal human beings like everyone else.
    “You know, I’m not going to throw holy water on you and give you penance if you say the wrong thing.”
    She blushed. The sun had given her cheeks some extra freckles today.
    “I’m still just a regular guy.”
    “Sorry. I guess I just don’t know how to be around a holy person in a bar.”
    He chuckled. “That does sound like a bit of an oxymoron. Thankfully I’m no more holy than anyone else under this roof.”
    She raised her eyebrows. They were the softest brown he’d ever seen.
    “Are you not taking vows to become a priest in a few months? Or is that just what you’ve been telling the others while you lived the high life off the mountain.”
    He appreciated her wit. “I’m taking my holy orders on August first, but they aren’t vows, just a promise to a bishop to dedicate my life to God’s work. Well, that and to be celibate. I’ll still be Colin McCullough.”
    “Can you perform sacraments?”
    “Nope. Can’t even say Mass yet.”
    “But you’ll be able to soon.”
    “When you’re away at seminary do you dress

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