Running in Fear: Dragon's Den

Free Running in Fear: Dragon's Den by Trinity Blacio

Book: Running in Fear: Dragon's Den by Trinity Blacio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trinity Blacio
Tags: Paranormal, mfm
at the counter next to her seat. Please sit. We don't have much time before my son comes to get you.
    Suzanne slowly sat down. “Who's your son? And will you quit speaking in my head? It freaks me out.”
    Andrew smiled. “You are a brazen one, that is for sure. My son is Dominic. I've come to pass on a gift to you that has been in our family for years.”
    “You have to the count of three before I start screaming my head off. Dominic's father was murdered. I'm not a fool.” Suzanne said and jumped off the stool, backing up slowly, but before she could move another step, he was behind her and she screamed.
    I will see you soon, daughter. He laughed as all six men stormed into the kitchen, ready to tear anything apart.
    “What's wrong?” Dominic snapped, glancing around the room. “Why did you scream?”
    Still shaking, Suzanne sat down on the stool. “Your father, was his name Andrew? Did he have your eyes?”
    Dominic frowned at her and moved to stand beside her. “Yes. How did you know?”
    Suzanne banged her head onto the counter. “Now I'm seeing ghosts. I had to come to New Orleans, didn't I? I swear, if you four weren't so hot, I'd run out of here screaming my fucking head off.” She jumped up and ran into the hallway. “I know you have a picture of your father. Where is it?” She moved down the hallway, and stopped in front of the picture, and screamed.
    “I swear to God, if he scares me one more time, I don't care if he's your father. I'll find a way to kill him again.” Suzanne stormed past the men, heading towards the master bedroom.
    Thomas stepped in front of her and stopped her. “I felt the presence of the other one, but you could see him fully? Are you sure it was Dominic's father? Maybe you could ask him to tell you something only he and Dominic would know.”
    Gritting her teeth, Suzanne sighed. “He heard everything you just said.”
    ¿Recuerde lo que odiaba a su madre en público? Su compañero quiere y necesita. Suzanne frowned, and glanced behind her. “Your father is speaking to me in Spanish, I believe. I don't understand it, and I might get some of the words wrong, but this is what he said. ‘¿ Recuerde lo que odiaba a su madre en público? Su compañero quiere y necesita .’”
    Dominic threw his head back and laughed; a second later, so did Granger, Archer, and Blair.
    “What the hell did he say?” She glared at all four of them and stomped her foot.
    Dark red eyes flashed to hers. Dominic stepped forward, and grabbed her around the waist. “My father reminded me what my mother hated the most - doing public sex scenes. He said you would enjoy it much better, and welcome it.”
    Her skin heated, and she trembled. She searched Dominic's face. “What didn't she like?” Her voice was quiet, but it squeaked all the same.
    “My father loved to take my mother all the way, in front of others. He would sit on his throne, with my naked mother laid across his lap. Slowly my father would work his whole hand into her pussy, fucking her, and spanking her. When my mother was allowed to come, she not only came, but she squirted for all to see. Men would line up just to drink from what would come out of her. They swore once they had drunk from her, they didn't need to feed for a week, that her juice was stronger than any blood. Only a select few were allowed to drink from her, but those who did were devoted to her and made sure nothing happened to her. They still protect her to this day, even with my father gone.” He shook. “I have to say, I wasn't there for all of this, thank god - just the thought of your own parents - but the stories were told everywhere.
    Suzanne's knees gave way, and she would have fallen if Dominic didn't hold her. He swept her up into his arms. “It's time. Thomas, Ethan, I'm sure you can find your way out.”
    She couldn't say a word as Dominic stepped into the bedroom and tore off her robe, tossing her onto the bed. He stripped out of his clothes. Her other

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