The Mistress Mistake
literally put a check by each one of them in his year book.
    And none of them had been virgins.
    The truth of it was still rippling through
him in waves of after-shock.
    He'd somehow managed to find the only virgin
left in the goddamn city. And where the fuck had he found her? On a
fucking website that promoted sexual arrangements with a financial
foundation, to put it nicely.
    It was beyond anything he could ever have
imagined happening.
    He should have pulled out of her tight assed
little body and left right then, and to hell with the six-month
lease he'd signed.
    But it wasn't the money that had kept him
    It was her, goddamnit.
    He hadn't been bullshitting her when he'd
told her he thought she was beautiful. She was fucking
beautiful. And not beautiful in any hardened way like the previous
women he'd met from the website. And of course, now he knew
    She wasn't hardened at all. She was slender
and soft with glossy hair that tumbled past her shoulders in waves
of silk. Her complexion was almost porcelain; every time she'd
blushed it was there for him to see. Her features were delicate;
she had an ethereal beauty that was refined. She was of medium
height, and she was so slender that her body was graceful and
    He'd told no lie when it had slipped from his
lips that he thought he'd died and gone to heaven. He hadn't meant
to say it, in fact would have never told her so, but suddenly, he'd
been fighting himself; something had crawled up from his soul and
refused to terrorize her anymore than he already had. He'd wanted
her to feel special in that one moment. Even he wasn't so much of
an ass that he could blatantly take a girl's virginity and only
fuck her blind. He'd had to make it more for her. But he needed to
get a grip on that. It absolutely couldn't continue. He would let her go. Maybe not after six months as he'd
originally thought, but he couldn't keep her forever. The idea was
too ludicrous to contemplate.
    Certainly, she'd told a compelling story of
why she'd ending up resorting to this. The catalyst had been losing
her scholarship, but there was something else that came before
that. Something from her history that made it impossible to
continue her education any way else, something that he didn't know
    He didn't think he wanted to know. He
couldn't deny he was curious, but he had to close that part of
himself down and let it go. He couldn't let himself want to know
about her. He didn't want to feel compassion for her or anything
else that resembled anything like it. He had to stick to his guns,
he had to keep reminding himself that he wanted her just for sex,
he didn't need or want a woman in his life for any other
    Everything he'd told her had been true. And
after this one day, this one evening of retrospect, he couldn't
dwell on these feelings any longer.
    But he'd let himself have these few minutes
of contemplation.
    When he'd met her in the restaurant, he'd
been inordinately relieved with just about everything she'd said.
He knew himself; he would only agree to this kind of arrangement
with a certain kind of woman. And she'd more than ticked off his
requirements, like boxes on an application.
    It wasn't only her youthful beauty. But that
had damn sure been the starting point.
    It was also her moral values that screamed
through the inappropriateness of the meeting they were having. She
wouldn't do just anything for money. She had demands that he
more than agreed with, most of them anyway, and now that he knew
about her total lack of experience, he might not push for anything
    He wanted more, no doubt. But this
arrangement was going to be hard enough for her to handle without
having to accommodate his more erotic needs.
    One thing at a time. He had to find a happy
medium so they could get along. He'd never find another woman like
her who was willing to do this with him, under his mandate, not in
a million years.
    He couldn't scare her off.
    But he also couldn't take the

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