The Trillionaire's Kiss: Book One in Trillionaire Wishes (Fountain of Love)

Free The Trillionaire's Kiss: Book One in Trillionaire Wishes (Fountain of Love) by Ella Mansfield

Book: The Trillionaire's Kiss: Book One in Trillionaire Wishes (Fountain of Love) by Ella Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Mansfield
though.  I'm not certain how I feel about that."
    April put her arm through Alicia's.  "You know, I wasn't certain how I felt about things at first either.  My men are all wonderful, but I grew up thinking my adult life would be a certain way."
    "You didn't grow up expecting to be auctioned?"
    April shook her head.  "Not at all.  I didn't find out I would be auctioned off until the day before.  The men knew about me and planned for the auction well before I knew it was even a possibility."
    "Do you ever wish you'd had the simple li fe you expected when you were growing up?"
    April thought about that for a moment.  "I don't think so.  I mean, at first it was so overwhelming to have four men taking turns with me."  She blushed as she realized what she'd said.  "Just suffice it to say, I was very...overcome by it all at first.  Now?  I wouldn't go back for anything.  I have four men who love me.  I have two beautiful daughters."  She shrugged.  "I have a really good life here.  I stay busy and happy.  My only real complaint is the lack of female companionship.  My friends Erin and Amber visit me from time to time, but it's just not enough.  We all have our families now, and it's hard to just take off and spend time together."
    "How many women are you friends with that did the auctions?"
    April thought about it.  "Just three.  There's Jayn in Montana.  She's probably the one I'm closest to, but see the least.  Then there's Amber in Cleburne, and Erin in McKinney."
    "Erin in McKinney?  That's where we live!"   Was there really someone that close that she could get to know?
    April smiled.  "After the babies are born, we'll have a small party, and you can meet all of my friends.  I'll give you their email addresses before you leave today, and that way you can at least have someone to talk to."
    Alicia smiled.  "I really like that idea.  Thank you!"  It wouldn't be the same as her regular Wednesday night dates with Alexa and Megan, but it would be better than no female companionship at all.  She loved having a friend who lived in her city.  Maybe they could meet for lunch if they both brought their bodyguards.  She frowned, hating the idea of needing a bodyguard for a lunch with a friend.
    They had a simple lunch with both men right there.  The two men talked about the housing market, and Bill was obviously trying to steer Calor toward a certain realtor.  " Austin'll be able to find you something good.  Let him know what you're looking for, and it'll be found in hours.  He's one of Erin's husbands."
    "I'll give him a call this evening.  My lady wants to have the freedom to walk around outside and not be caged in the apartment all the time, so that's what she'll get."
    Bill smiled.  "We're the same way with April.  I swear, if she asked us to find a way to take over the world, we'd all put our heads together and do our best to make it happen."
    After the lunch was over, the men walked off again, leaving April and Alicia.  They went back to the living area and sat together on the couch, April carefully propping her feet up.  "My feet and ankles are so swollen.  My doctor has only treated one pregnant woman before, and that was me, so he's guessing when he comes up with solutions for my problems.  Well, that and reading old medical books, but he likes to have something that has worked for him before with another patient."
    Alicia grinned.  "It must be fun being a guinea pig."
    April shrugged.  "I'm getting used to it."  She rubbed the back of her neck.  "So tell me about your friends.  What are they like?  The two that saw you disappear, I mean."
    Alicia thought about that.  How could she describe them?  "Megan is an elementary school teacher.  She's doing just what she always dreamed she'd do.  She and Alexa share a house.  Neither of them wanted to live in an apartment, and it's easier for them to share the bills.  Alexa is a librarian.  They mesh really well together.  We all

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