Love and Summer

Free Love and Summer by William Trevor

Book: Love and Summer by William Trevor Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Trevor
Tags: Fiction, Literary
of them stamped and franked, job lots found somewhere. When a few fell at his feet he threw them on to the fire and later discovered one where it had dropped, unnoticed, on the grass a few yards away. A monk prayed to a saint who had been stabbed, the dagger that pierced her throat still there. The wound was bloodless, the sacred features unaffected by the ordeal. ‘Santa Lucia,’ he read, and told himself it was imagination that he was reminded of the girl he had talked to in Rathmoye.

    Days passed, and then a week. A warm June gave way to July heat. Already the land was parched, grass lost its green. Dust gathered in Rathmoye’s streets, litter lay in gutters unwashed by rain.
    On a Wednesday morning when the new month was not far advanced, Joseph Paul Connulty walked through the town with a bunch of dahlias and asparagus fern. Since his mother’s death he had done so once a week, his intention being that what he placed on her grave should never be seen to droop and wither. Asparagus fern was consistently the green accompaniment, the choice of flowers depending on what was available in Cadogan’s Vegetables and Floral.
    In the cemetery he changed the water in the glass container and dropped the blooms he had taken from it into a wire waste-bin supplied for this purpose. They would have lasted a few more days, even a week, but since he did not consider it fanciful that his mother each time witnessed the purchase made in Cadogan’s and the walk through the town, the changing of the water, the fresh flowers arranged, he did not take chances. It could have been that he had once, when in the cemetery, heard his mother utter - in a murmur no louder than a whisper - an expression of gratitude. But, practical man of business that he was, publican and coal merchant, who paid his debts and charged what he must, he suspected that that had been some errant sound, transformed in his thoughts to seem, momentarily, what it was not: the certainty of his faith and its related beliefs did not ever exceed his own laid-down limits of the likely.
    He left the cemetery and returned to his back bar, which was the centre of his business life. In half an hour Bernadette O’Keeffe from the coal office would arrive with cheques for him to sign, with copies of the invoices that had been dispatched for the second or third time and had still failed to elicit a response, with anything of importance that might have come in the morning post. All bills relating to the running of the bed-and-breakfast accommodation at Number 4 The Square were recorded in the office books and settled as soon as they came in. Once a week, on Friday evenings, Joseph Paul removed a sum from the till, its total agreed upon with his mother in her lifetime and paid now to his sister. The notes and loose change were laid out by him on the kitchen windowsill as they always had been.
    A fly crept about on the ceiling and idly he watched it while he waited. He had never killed a fly; it wasn’t something he could do. He poured himself a glass of 7-Up, which he found invigorating at this time of day. He continued his observation of the rambling fly as it went about whatever task it had set itself.
    That morning Bernadette O’Keeffe was delayed. She was a few minutes late leaving the coal yards and was then importuned by Orpen Wren, who was waiting for her in the doorway of Kissane the jeweller’s.
    ‘What coal are we talking about, Mr Wren?’ she enquired, knowing they were talking about nothing.
    ‘It’s the same order as ever it is. Would the winter stocks be in the yards yet?’
    ‘It’s only July, Mr Wren.’
    ‘September they light the fires.’
    ‘Who’s that, then?’ Bernadette asked, knowing the answer to this question too.
    ‘George Anthony’s come back. Lisquin’s opened up like you’d remember it. Well, you’d know George Anthony’s back.’
    ‘I’m afraid I didn’t.’
    ‘Put them down for coal.’
    ‘I will of course, Mr

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