The Unseen
over one of the sexy grooves in his cheeks. “Hey, it keeps people out, doesn’t it?” Or whatever the hell it was . . .
    The door opened with a creak and a red-eyed Bunny peered out. “Are you all right?” Kent asked.
    Bunny’s voice shuddered and she sobbed in between words. “No, they almost got me. I know they took Tom and Amanda. I heard them.”
    “You heard who?”
    “The smugglers. They busted into Tom’s room and then Amanda screamed. The men told her to shut up and threatened to kill them if they didn’t cooperate.”
    “Kill them? Oh, my God. This is all my fault—it was my idea to come back here.” A wave of nausea assaulted her and she reached for Kent’s arm to steady herself.
    He leaned in and grazed her cheek with his lips, speaking in a gentle tone. “Bec, it’s not your fault. You told me earlier Amanda wanted to be here with Tom. Those two are tough—and they’re more likely to survive together than alone.”
    He pursed his lips and scratched the side of his broad forehead. “Now let’s get going—we need to go after them now.” He strode into the hallway, pointed toward the exit door and started walking.
    Rebecca gripped his arm. “How do we know where they’re headed?”
    He slowed and turned toward her. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to track their footprints outside since the ground’s so wet. But before we go, let’s grab some supplies. Bunny, I’ll call a taxi and have them take you someplace in town where you’ll be safer until I can book you on another flight.”
    Bunny pursed her lips together and wiped her tear-stained eyes. “Are you sure you don’t mind going to all that trouble?”
    “No—I think it’s best. This whole situation is completely out of control and I don’t want Bec in the middle of this either, but she’s too stubborn to listen.”
    Bunny gave him a grateful smile. “Yeah, well, she loves you way too much to leave you on your own in this mess. But if I could go someplace crowded, I’d feel much safer. Being in this place alone is creeping me out.”
    “Okay, so pack up your stuff fast and meet me in the lobby. I’ll call a car for you.” Kent scratched the tip of his broad nose.
    Once Bunny disappeared down the hall, he turned his attention to Rebecca, the look on his face all business. “Grab some clothes and put on your hiking boots. I’ll gather the supplies we need, give Rich a quick call, and then we can soak our boots in DEET when we meet up.”
    “What could be more exciting than wetting our feet together?”
    Still walking, he turned his head back toward her. “I can think of many, many things.”

Chapter Seven
    While Bunny rode in a taxi to the Dong Hoi Sheraton, Kent and Rebecca set out in pursuit of their friends.
    Falling rain slapped against the leaves as they slogged their way through the muddy jungle, following the trail of wet footprints. Rebecca tightened the strap on the hood of her rain jacket to keep water from dripping down her front.
    Rebecca clung close to Kent, focusing on each breath to take her mind off her fear. Still, she jumped when Kent’s boot cracked a twig, and her neck muscles constricted when leaves rustled nearby.
    Maybe it’s just rain dripping from a tree, she told herself, before an invading thought suggested it could be a ferocious jungle animal, poisonous viper, or one of those terrible men. Even a shrill bird’s call made the hair on the back of her neck prickle. Maybe it’s a signal and not really a bird.
    She wanted to talk more to Kent about the ghostly presence she’d sensed in the room. But the whole scenario sounded so unbelievable, even to her. How would she convince him? He needed to know what they faced was much worse than what he’d originally anticipated.
    Still walking, Kent held his satellite phone to his ear. Then he shook his head and stuffed it back in a pocket. “Damn, I still can’t get Rich on the phone. I asked Bunny to try a few times today,

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